Fine Tourism Industry

Source: 01-11-2023 19:02:00


Key areas: Cultural tourism and health care, smart tourism, red tourism, rural tourism, marine tourism, cultural tourism consumption and study tour.

Key projects: Provincial key projects such as Zibo Swan Lake Roman Villa Project and Yantai Changyu Wine Culture Museum Intelligent Upgrading and Reconstruction Project.

Industrial Cluster

Geological culture tourism industrial cluster in Yishui County: Due to its leading role in the geological culture tourism industry in the county, the cluster, as one of the "four major industrial sectors" and a leading cluster for the replacement of old growth drivers with new ones, has developed a pattern of "promoting the transformation and upgrading of the county's industrial structure led by tourism and building a geological culture tourism cluster to drive high-quality development of the county's tourism industry".

Fulong Lake cultural tourism industrial cluster in Shanxian County: With the goal of creating a national 5A-level tourist attraction and a national tourist resort, the cluster aims to build Fulong Lake Tourism Resort into a cultural tourism hub at the junction of four provinces and eight counties.

Fine tourism industrial cluster of Rizhao Sunshine Coastal Zone: Focusing on "ocean + tourism", the cluster is making efforts to build a tourism brand of "Sunshine Coastal Zone". It aims to build a 28-kilometer-long sunshine coastal greenway and a 33.8-kilometer-long mountain-and-sea-style greenway with high standards, which connects the 26 most distinctive coastal tourism projects such as Dongyi Town, Ocean Park and Rizhao Ocean Aesthetics Museum, thus developing a unique ecological scenic area connecting mountains and seas.