
Source:大众网•海报新闻 01-13-2021 11:20:00

Development advantage

As the most populous and largest city in Shandong Province, Linyi is a place of profound heritage, spirituality and beauty, and a national logistics hub city for trade services. The beauty of Linyi lies in its thousands of years of history and culture, its 800-li-long Yimeng Mountain and Yi River, its nationally renowned Yimeng spirit, its access to the world’s trade and logistics, and its vibrant innovation and creativity, which are the foundation and advantages of Linyi’s development, as well as the opportunities and potential for win-win cooperation.

In recent years, Linyi has seized the day and lived it to the fullest, keeping an eye on the provincial party committee’s goal of “being at the forefront and creating a comprehensive development”, emancipating the mind for breakthroughs and concentrating on rapid development. Linyi is committed to cultivating “industrial clusters” and has laid out 10 industries with advantages such as equipment manufacturing, trade and logistics, healthcare & elderly care, cultural tourism and information and communication, developing four RMB 100 billion-level industries and more than 4,000 industrial enterprises with sufficient scale, with wide space for investment and cooperation. Linyi is also committed to building “development platforms”, setting up 2 national development zones, 1 national Integrated Free Trade Zone and 13 provincial development zones, cultivating 15 key laboratories and 52 academician workstations above the provincial level, and the role of platforms is increasingly strong. Linyi is further committed to strengthening the “foundation support”. The Rizhao-Lankao High-speed Railway was opened in November last year. In the future, there will be 3 high-speed railways passing through here. Linyi accounts for 1/4 of the newly planned high-speed railway network in Shandong, and the three-dimensional mass transit system continues to improve.

Linyi is committed to promoting “one-time completion” by the implementation of “approval with one and single seal”, shortening the project approval period from more than 200 working days to 70 working days. It also actively promotes the joint review and acceptance of investment projects, and has basically achieved the purpose of “commencement immediately after land take-over”. Linyi is also committed to providing “full-cycle services”, drawing a map of investment promotion projects, forming six protection lines for talents, land and finance, implementing a system of leading cadres contacting enterprises and projects, and carrying out the Yimeng Red agent service, so that “enterprises request, cadres run errands, and projects are fast-tracked”.

Key industries

Modern finance

Linyi will strive for all national joint-stock banks to set up branches in Linyi and make a breakthrough for foreign banks to set up establishments in Linyi. It will support Linshang Bank to set up branches inside and outside the province, encourage the development of Linshang Leasing Company, Linshang Consumer Finance Company, and build a “Linshang” financial holding group with regional influence. It will improve the corporate governance structure of rural commercial banks, introduce strategic investment at the right time, and improve the ability of business innovation and risk resilience. It will support for village banks to deploy outlets and expand their business in the townships. It will promote the establishment of financial towns and the construction of two key clusters including the financial headquarters area of Beicheng New District and the financial characteristics area of Linyi Mall. With the help of Linyi Finance Investment Group and China-Linyi Capital Trade Conference, it will also promote the establishment of insurance companies, securities companies, financial leasing companies, factoring companies and other local legal financial institutions. Linyi will explore the establishment of the Mall Development Private Bank and Linyi Rural Commercial Bank. It will vigorously develop fully licensed financial institutions and encourage the development and growth of local financial holding groups such as Xiangyu Financial Holdings and Yisheng Financial Holdings. It will accelerate the clustered development of microfinance companies, private financing institutions and financial guarantee companies and other local financial organizations. It will promote the establishment of Linyi Financial Assets Trading Center, the standardized development of Linyi Puhua Bills Center and Linyi International Commodity Trading Center, and enhance the ability to serve the real economy. With the opportunity of building a famous international trade city, it will explore the establishment of Linyi Logistics Exchange and publish an authoritative logistics index. It will seek the standardized development of Internet finance, and promote the development of Internet private equity financing pilot. It will pursue the active development of financial intermediaries, the introduction and cultivation of financial software enterprises and financial services outsourcing industry to establish financial services centers and financial supermarkets at the city and county levels. It will promote the experience of financial cooperation pilot work in rural areas, steadily promote the construction of a comprehensive rural property rights trading center, and improve the financial system in rural areas. It will actively facilitate innovation in the organization of the insurance market, enrich the types of insurance business entities, supports the establishment of regional and professional insurance companies, and explore the development of mutual insurance, self-insurance companies and other new types of insurance business. It will strengthen financial supervision and risk prevention and control capacity building, and resolutely prevent the occurrence of regional and systemic risks.

Information and communication technology

First, vigorously develop electronic product manufacturing. Linyi will develop machinery, automobiles, consumer electronics supporting new components, make breakthroughs in the field of new energy and environmental protection electronics, promote new energy and energy conversion related basic electronic materials and basic device technology research and industrialization, accelerate the production of high-end fault-tolerant computers, high-performance servers, mass storage and industrial control computer components, and promote the “terminal + application + service” industry chain integration. It will accelerate the development of the digital home industry, focusing on the development of energy-saving, intelligent and networked household and commercial appliances, improve technical standards and digital home system solutions, support digital home appliance enterprises to extend upstream and downstream of the industry chain, form the R&D and industrialization of consumer electronics industry supporting components and dedicated devices, as well as create a digital home application demonstration industrial base. It will accelerate the development of a new generation of network and communications equipment industry, promote the construction of the fourth generation of mobile communications network, encourage enterprises to develop new products and applications to adapt to the characteristics of the new generation of mobile communications network and mobile Internet needs, and build the industry-oriented dedicated communications system industry chain. It will strengthen the guidance and management of the semiconductor lighting industry, improve the LED-related standards system, and expand the application of semiconductor lighting to create well-known products. It will vigorously develop the applied electronics industry, focusing on demands in electric power, light industry, chemical industry, machinery, textiles, building materials and other areas, and create a national demonstration base for the deep integration of military and civilian relying on the electronic manufacturing advantages of the Electronics Information Industrial Park in Linyi High-tech Industrial Development Zone. Second, accelerate the development of software and information services. It will focus on the development of application software for smart logistics, smart trade, smart agriculture, smart industry, and smart public service industry, and embedded software for mobile communications, machinery manufacturing, electronics and other fields. Relying on Linyi Cloud Computing Center, Linyi will establish the Wisdom Big Data Base in South Shandong, and China International Sino-India Science and Technology Innovation Cluster to build a carrier platform for the development of wisdom industry. It will implement the “software-driven machine” plan to enhance the software R&D capabilities of manufacturing enterprise, with R&D of industrial control systems in the key industries, and actively develop vehicle systems, drive systems and control systems. It will build the industrial software public service platform with information technology and industrialization integration to serve SMEs. It will play the function of China International Sino-India Science and Technology Innovation Cluster to build it as an international innovation park integrating cloud computing, software R&D, intelligent industry, intelligent equipment and service support. It will rely on Linyi Zhongguancun Software Industry Base and High-tech Zone Software Industry Park to dock the transfer of the software and information technology service industry and achieve cluster introduction. Third, make efforts to break through the public cloud computing services. Linyi will promote cloud platform pilot field application demonstration projects, promote the construction of spatial big data center and spatio-temporal information cloud platform, promote the large-scale commercialization of public cloud services in Linyi Cloud Computing Center, and build a regional cloud service center radiating to the surrounding areas.

High-end chemical industry

Linyi will use Linshu Chemical Park as a carrier and backbone enterprises, such as Kingenta and Stanley, to adhere to the innovation drive and improve the quality of new fertilizers such as slow-release fertilizers, high-end water soluble fertilizers, bio-organic fertilizers and trace element fertilizers. It will carry out research on key fertilization technologies, integrate the “Internet+” model, develop from a single fertilizer production to a full range of agricultural services, and focus on building a national fertilizer production and agricultural services base. It will focus on Lingang Green Chemical Park and Yishui Lushan Chemical Park, take advantage of the city’s proximity to the large crude oil terminal and liquid chemical terminal in Rizhao Lanshan Port, rely on the comprehensive utilization devices of heavy oil, coal tar, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), for the development of high-end lubricants and diesel, gasoline added oil products and other high value-added petrochemical products, to create a national high-end petrochemical supporting base. It will accelerate the identification of municipal chemical parks (concentrated areas), adhere to the principle of high standards and characteristics, standardize and improve the construction of modern chemical parks, improve the construction of centralized heating and sewage treatment supporting facilities, and comprehensively improve the overall level of chemical parks. It will accelerate the “exit from the city and move into the park”, and promote the overall relocation of the HONGRI ACRON, Jutai energy and other chemical enterprises from the central city. It will drive the existing chemical enterprises for transformation and upgrading in strict accordance with the safety and environmental requirements. It will establish and improve the three-level (safety, environmental protection) emergency rescue mechanism, and request a shutdown and relocation of enterprises that do not meet the development layout positioning, do not meet the conditions for transformation, have significant safety and environmental problems and fail to solve such problems a long period of time, according to the law.

Modern trade and logistics

(I) Modern trade

First, accelerate the construction of the “International Trade City”. Linyi will plan and construct the 15-square-kilometer China Linyi International Trade City project, and focus on building three towns of “e-commerce, cross-border trade and logistics” in the 3.4-square-kilometer starting area. It will build a pilot zone for the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade with the help of market procurement trade. It will designate the 30-square-kilometer area as the core of the International Trade City to create a national demonstration zone for the replacement of traditional driving force with new ones. Second, transform and upgrade the “old trade city”. It will basically complete the task of market transformation and upgrading within 2-3 years based on the ideas of “integration of some sections, transformation of some sections, and relocation of some sections”. Third, make efforts to create an “online shopping mall”. It will explore the model of “vertical e-commerce platform” + new physical market + local product supply base. It will build a national “Belt and Road” export product processing zone, and vigorously develop vertical e-commerce platforms for industries such as labor protection, building materials, hardware, auto fixtures and plates. Relying on the advantages of industries such as hardware, ceramics and building materials, wooden plates, auto fixtures, sporting goods, home appliances, kitchen and bathroom, home decoratio, it will focus on cultivating 20 industry vertical e-commerce platforms with the characteristics of Linyi Mall. It will promote the establishment of Linyi Mall E-Commerce College to grasp the training of e-commerce talents. Based on the advantage of the Integrated Free Trade Zone, it will actively attract well-known cross-border e-commerce businesses to set up regional operations center or office in Linyi Mall. It will explore the third-party cross-border e-commerce platforms such as in combination with the market procurement trade approach. Fourth, seek the layout and construction of the “overseas mall”. It will target the important node cities along the “Belt and Road”, choose cities with developed traffic, wide radiation and where the local market demand and mall goods are highly compatible for layout, and organize a number of backbone mall enterprises with international competitiveness and market development capacity, as well as make full use of overseas parks and overseas warehouse that has been developed to build “overseas mall”. It will promote the model of “cross-border e-commerce + park + exhibition + logistics”, and support enterprises that have met the conditions to go out and build “overseas warehouses”. It will strengthen cooperation with the border trade ports, build a number of “border warehouses”, and strive to form a brand of international trade and logistics.

(II) Modern logistics

First, transform and upgrade traditional logistics. Linyi will effectively integrate and enhance the existing logistics transportation, warehousing and distribution networks, establish a shared public information platform, improve specialized logistics organization services, and enhance the scale efficiency of logistics operations. It will increase the standardization and rectification efforts on the logistics parks, logistics companies and logistics operators, establish a perfect credit system and credit reward and punishment mechanism, develop a number of professional third-party and fourth-party logistics enterprises with great comprehensive strength, high service level and strong driving ability, and create a large-scale, professional and standardized logistics brand. Second, focus on the development of modern logistics. It will encourage and guide advantageous logistics enterprises to introduce venture capital, moderate M&A and expansion, and focus on the development of all-round, diversified and comprehensive professional logistics as well as third-party and fourth-party logistics. It will vigorously develop the cold chain logistics industry for fruits and vegetables, meat and aquatic products, and gradually cultivate national core cold chain logistics enterprises with strong resource integration capability and international competitiveness. It will actively seek national policy and financial support to form a highly efficient, large scale, technically new cross-regional cold chain logistics distribution center. Third, improve the logistics system. It is planned to build railway logistics parks and container stations to improve the efficiency of railway logistics. It is planned to build an aviation logistics park, open additional air cargo routes and improve the cargo throughput capacity of Linyi Airport. Linyi will improve the bonded logistics, processing trade, warehousing and distribution functions of the port, accelerate the construction of distribution and trading center for upstream and downstream raw materials and products in the steel and petrochemical industry, to build the eastern port area into a logistics base with bonded warehousing, e-commerce, processing and sub-package, distribution and delivery as the mainstay. It will accelerate the construction of land, railroad, port, air and other infrastructure to improve the three-dimensional transportation system by land, sea and air.

Cultural tourism

Relying on the traditional folk craft bases of Tancheng County, Linshu County and Junan County, such as Chinese knots, wickerwork, stone carving and woodblock New Year pictures, Linyi will create a number of distinctive handicraft industry clusters and actively apply for the UNESCO “City of Handicraft and Folk Art”. It will promote the construction of cultural trade projects such as Sage of Calligraphy Cultural City, Kaige International Cultural City and China Education Supplies Procurement Base, and expand foreign cultural trade in line with the “Belt and Road” initiative. It will support the development and growth of Xinhua Green Printing Base, and strive to build it as a national printing and publishing base. It will amplify the advantages of intangible cultural heritage and build an intangible cultural heritage based cultural and creative industrial park. It will implement the “Internet + cultural industry” action, accelerate the construction of Huangshan Cultural and Creative Industrial Park, Feixian Yinguang Cultural and Creative Park to form a cultural and creative industry cluster. It will implement the “Golden Seed” plan for the development of cultural industries, accelerate the transformation of cultural creativity and innovation, and promote the rapid growth of cultural SMEs. It will promote the synergistic development of Linyi International Movie City and Yimeng River Bank Mongolia Red Movie and TV Base. It will make the most of “culture +”, and actively guide the integration of culture and education, tourism, sports, Chinese medicine, health, technology and other industries, and continue to form a new cultural consumption mode. It will promote the establishment of Linyi High-Tech Cultural Industry Alliance. It will also promote the construction of wickerwork e-commerce industrial park, Chinese knot artwork e-commerce industrial park, and accelerate the promotion of cultural tourism projects such as Linyi Tower with VR technology and other enrichment services. It will develop tourism shopping and make the tourism brand “Linyi Mall is a Shopping Paradise” well known. It will seize the opportunity of tourism based targeted poverty alleviation to accelerate the development of rural tourism, maker space and tourism resort construction. It will implement the rural tourism maker action, develop construction standards for the first national rural tourism maker base, and strive to create a national rural tourism maker base demonstration area. It will guide Linyi Tangquan Provincial Tourism Resort and Mengshan Tourism Resort to become national tourism resorts. Linyi will make good use of the cultural tourism industry fund of RMB 300 million in the city, support tourism enterprises to become bigger and stronger, explore the formation of tourism groups, and strive to have more than one enterprise enter the ranks of the top 20 comprehensive tourism enterprises in China, and more than two enterprises enter the ranks of the top 100 investment tourism enterprises in China.

Healthcare & elderly care

Build ecological leisure and wellness area. Linyi will develop a mountain ecological wellness industry that integrates tourism and leisure wellness, sports wellness, and cultural recuperation wellness, and promote the construction of key projects such as high-quality resort projects, longevity culture projects and mountain sports wellness bases. It is planned to build Mengshan Large International Medical Health and Elderly Care Center and create a national mountain forest ecological wellness base and mountain sports wellness base. Build health services wellness area. It will highlight the characteristics of hot springs in Hedong District, Yinan County and Tancheng County, develop health and wellness services that integrate medical wellness, health care wellness, conditioning wellness, sports wellness and ecological wellness, and strive to become the preferred destination for hot springs wellness in China. It will build healthcare & elderly care integration demonstration area. Relying on the medical area in Beicheng New District, it will attract the settlement of professional medical institutions and social institutions for the elderly, support joint ventures of large public medical institutions and social institutions for the elderly to establish healthcare & elderly care institutions, and create a cluster of professional institutions for the elderly that integrate “healthcare, elderly care, wellness and nursing”. Build elderly services demonstration area. Based on the good ecological resources in Feixian to build private elderly demonstration projects, it will promote the development of elderly service institutions, encourage the establishment of talent training institutions for the elderly, and promote the construction of elderly-friendly demonstration communities. Build online service platforms for the elderly care and wellness. Linyi will take Tangquan health service and wellness area as a pilot to build a “cloud” intelligent health and wellness service platform to provide comprehensive health management services. It will establish a home elderly care service network in the city with 12349 and “one touch” emergency call as the main content, to provide meals, bathing assistance, cleaning and other home care services for the elderly.

Building materials

Linyi will implement four major projects: integrated development, innovation-driven, green manufacturing and demonstration-driven, to promote the safe, environmentally friendly, energy-saving, efficient and sustainable development of the building materials industry. First, improve the quality of ceramics. It will focus on the development of high-grade polished tiles, wear-resistant tiles, ultra-thin tiles, ceramic murals and high value-added products such as stain-resistant and anti-bacterial tiles. It will implement the Implementation Plan for Industrial Enterprises in the Central City to “Exit from the City and Move into the Park”, and accelerate the construction of a demonstration park for Linyi ceramic industry transformation and upgrading innovation, encourage the market-oriented M&A of enterprises to establish a large ceramic group. It will take the approval of “China - Linyi Ceramics” trademark as an opportunity to build a brand system consisting of regional brands, corporate brands and overseas brands. It will hold Linyi (Luozhuang) Ceramic Industry Development Forum all year round. Second, enhance the cement products. Linyi will focus on the development of special cements, high-performance concrete, precast concrete structural components, special engineering materials. It will accelerate the transformation and intelligent transformation of key process equipment of cement production enterprises, and support enterprises to use existing cement kilns to co-dispose of municipal household waste and other waste. It will support enterprises to make comprehensive use of industrial waste slag for tile production. Third, develop high-end glass. Relying on rich quartz sand resource advantages in Yinan, Yishui and Lanling, it will strengthen cooperation with domestic advantageous glass and glass fiber enterprises, and focus on the development of high-end low-emissivity coated glass, tempered glass, bulletproof glass and other special glass and glass fiber composites and other products. Fourth, extend the stone (gypsum) chain. Based on the Pingyi North International Stone City, Linyi will promote the use of new technologies and techniques, develop high-grade, shaped and ultra-thin stone finishing products, and cultivate the regional brand of “Pingyi Stone”. It will develop high-grade high-strength ultra-fine gypsum powder, cut blocks and boards, and expand the application fields such as medical or edible gypsum powder and automobile tire molds. It will explore new technologies for the reuse of stone processing waste and tailings.

New materials

First, vigorously develop new metal materials. Linyi will focus on rail transportation, automobiles, ships, marine engineering and other fields, and strive to develop high value-added aluminum processing products and high-quality special steel represented by wear-resistant steel. It will strive to break through magnesium and titanium smelting technology and to encourage the production of magnesium and titanium alloys. It will support the production and R&D of rare earth related functional materials, and accelerate the development of copper foil, copper strip, copper rods and other recycled copper fields. It will upgrade the product level of quartz sand related new materials, complete the silicon carbide industry chain, strengthen the missing links of the industry chain such as monocrystalline silicon, polysilicon, photovoltaic edge material and silicon carbide fiber, and extend the glass fiber industry chain. It will focus on cultivating new materials for electronic information, and support the development of semiconductor materials, organic display materials, nano-electronic materials, etc. with high market demand and excellent performance. It will vigorously develop magnetic materials, focus on the R&D and production of magnetic materials with international scientific and technological level, and actively develop new materials in the field of functional ceramics, as well as encourage existing ceramic enterprises to expand to ceramics with mechanical function, thermal function, chemical function, electromagnetic function and other functions. It will strive to breakthrough in the field of polymer related new materials, focus on the development of special coatings, etc., to encourage the production of water-based adhesives and bio-based polymer adhesives applied in wood processing, and actively promote to ecological adhesives. Second, make the quartz sand industry bigger and stronger. With the rich quartz sandstone resources in Yinan County, Yishui County and Lanling County, Linyi will support enterprises to introduce strategic partners and scientific research institutes to develop and produce new materials for quartz products. Based on titanium, iron and other metal resources, it will guide and support existing enterprises to upgrade their technology, and attract new enterprises to cluster in Lanling County, Yishui County, Linyi Lingang Economic Development Zone. It will encourage polymer related new material enterprises to gather and develop in the Lingang Economic Development Zone. Third, accelerate the development of new energy vehicles. With the help of two key clusters including Linyi High-tech Industrial Development Zone and Yinan County, it aims to build supporting industrial clusters. It will reasonably develop the production capacity of the new energy vehicles, and support Yixing Electric Vehicle to implement the expansion and transformation project with an annual production capacity of 5,000 new energy buses, and support Yinan County to build a new energy electric vehicle industrial park. It will accelerate the construction of the Xindayang pure electric vehicle production project, the Bashi new energy electric vehicle production project, and the Green.tec new energy special vehicle production project, the R&D and production of sightseeing, military and police, security and other special electric vehicles, and the support for new energy vehicle project of Zotye Auto. It is planned to build charging and switching facilities, promote the “urban electric vehicle sharing” model, start a self-drive leasing program featured in unified layout, unified management, unified maintenance, and decentralized rental, and increase the proportion of new energy vehicles.

Advanced equipment manufacturing industry

Construction machinery. Linyi will focus on the development and production of new construction machinery products, make it the leader in the domestic construction machinery industry, strive to create an international famous brand, build the first domestic production base for loaders, and build a one-stop purchasing base for large construction machinery and a supply base for parts for construction machinery. It will focus on Huaxing Machinery, Mengling Group to accelerate the R&D and production of high-end hydraulic parts, four-wheel and one-belt parts, hydraulic torque converter and other construction machinery supporting parts products to supplement the industrial chain gap and improve the technical content and integration. Agricultural machinery. Linyi will focus on Huasheng Zhongtian and Yongjia Power, vigorously develop new gasoline engines, diesel engines, large tractors, gardening and plant protection machinery and harvesting machinery, consolidate and grow the dominant position of the city in the national agricultural machinery industry. It will develop high horsepower tractors, and large combined harvesting machinery, support the construction of small four-stroke gasoline engine expansion and transformation project of Huasheng Zhongtian, and strive to build a technology development center for dominant small internal combustion engine products in China. Featured machinery. Linyi will focus on Shandong Yixin, Jinxing machine tools and Yishui machine tools, vigorously develop CNC machine tools, large lengthening lathes, and encourage the construction of new CNC vertical lathe, milling and boring machines, press production line projects. It will accelerate the development of steam boilers, waste heat boilers, oil boilers, garbage boilers and other products, mainly focusing on Huayuan Boilers and Shengwei New Energy. It will develop a hardware tool production cluster area mainly in Hedong, and strive to create famous brands and improve the grade of our products. It will focus on water meter enterprises in Lanshan District and heat meter enterprises in High-Tech Zone to promote the high-end development of the instrument industry. Key components. Linyi will build the production base of medium and high-end hydraulic products mainly represented by Zhongchuan Hydraulic, Tangong Hydraulic, Boshile Hydraulic, Tianyi Hydraulic and other enterprises. It will focus on Lunan Bearings and Kaiyuan Bearings, and vigorously develop bearing products. It will gradually expand the dominant position of transmission and drive axle in the market based on Pingyi Lingong Axle Case and Leiwo Axle Case.