Shandong launches the theme year activity of "Hospitality Shandong· Rural Good Season"

Source: 02-28-2022 11:18:00

Recently, the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism issued the "Implementation Plan for Optimizing and Improving the Theme Year of "Hospitality Shandong· Rural Good Season" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), proposing that in 2022, Shandong will continue to carry out the "Hospitality Shandong· Rural Good Season" theme year activities, promote the quality and efficiency of rural tourism, and boost rural revitalization.

The "Plan" makes it clear that the event will highlight the market orientation, comply with the new requirements of normalized epidemic prevention and control, meet the new travel needs of urban tourists and youths, and advocate suburbanization, light luxury, micro-vacation, and slow-paced rural leisure new life. At the same time, immersion in performing arts, game interaction, and folk custom experience will be incorporated into rural tourism, and rural tourism boutique activities such as rural star-gazing season, rural light show, and slow train tour of the countryside will be cultivated.

In terms of time nodes, Shandong plans to select this year's Qingming Festival period (early April), Labor Day period (early May), summer solstice period (late June), summer vacation period (between July and August), Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day period (late September), Winter Solstice period (late December) and other hot rural tourism periods, using one main venue and several sub-venues to jointly organize the event.

The "Plan" also proposes 5 specific implementation measures, including deepening product development, optimizing brand promotion, promoting base construction, strengthening brand publicity, and highlighting achievements in research, in order to further explore, inherit and innovate Shandong's excellent traditional culture. Promote key rural tourism villages and towns, homestay gathering areas, national cultural parks and other related projects to form a chain like a string of beads, and linked into stretches, and create a golden name card for Shandong rural tourism, and continuously meet the people's needs for a better life.