Linyi Medical Device Industrial Park forms industrial agglomeration

Source: 02-28-2022 11:16:00

To build the medical device industry agglomeration form and build the medical device industrial park in Linyi not only meets the strategic development requirements of Linyi for alignment with the Yangtze River Delta integration , but also can form an industrial cluster with distinctive advantages, which will boost the high-quality development of Linyi's pharmaceutical industry.

With the continuous deepening of the reform of the medical and health system in Linyi City, the reform of medical device supervision has also been further promoted. In January 2022, the People's Government of Linyi City issued the "Several Measures for Supporting the High-Quality Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry", in order to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the pharmaceutical industry, increase opportunities of Linyi's biopharmaceutical industry listed as one of the first national strategic emerging industry clusters , and point out the direction for the high-quality development of the pharmaceutical industry in Linyi City.

In order to accelerate the high-quality and healthy development of the medical industry in Linyi City, build a characteristic medical device industrial park and form an agglomeration format. Integrate and share resources for existing medical device business enterprises, establish a dedicated warehouse for centralized logistics distribution and a medical big data platform to increase efficiency. The industrial park gives full play to the advantages of agglomeration of innovation resources, helps enterprises to build platforms for technical exchange, user communication, quality inspection, etc., provides industrial supporting resources, assists enterprises in production and operation, builds a complete ecosystem of the whole industry chain; and establishes industry-specific classes to support innovation R&D. The medical device industry has a high production threshold and high technology content. The product has a long cycle from R&D to production, with large investment and slow return. The park has set up an industry-specific class to implement various support policies, increase support for scientific and technological innovation and R&D, help enterprises to protect intellectual property rights, encourage medical enterprises to innovate and develop R&D, stimulate innovation vitality, improve innovation momentum, enable innovation to empower development, and promote the development of Linyi's medical industry to high-end, sophisticated and advanced level.

Attract large and strong enterprises, and develop collaboratively. Attract foreign investment, bring in leading enterprises in the industry to invest and develop in Linyi City, and form a development model of industrial investment, industrial park investment, chain investment, and business investment, so as to enrich the service projects of Linyi's medical industry, and bring more high-end technology and industry talents to drive the industry towards high-end and high-value development. Incubate and introduce high-end talents to realize the development of talent empowering industry. Explore and introduce scientific and technological talents and R&D technologies, expand the R&D team and establish a training base for innovative talents of related majors in colleges and universities. Provide better settlement policies for talents to take root and develop, promote the construction of talent team in the medical industry, and realize the high-efficiency talents empowerment for the industry development of Linyi to overcome difficulties, make up for shortcomings, and promote collaborative innovation and achievement transformation.