Fission growth of Heze biopharmaceutical industry ​

Source: 02-28-2022 11:16:00

The biopharmaceutical industry in Heze has grown by fission, and the output value of the enterprises above designated size has doubled in three years, reaching 60.5 billion yuan. The development pattern of "one port and four parks", led by the modern medical port and supported by four professional parks, has initially taken shape, and a 100 billion-scale industrial cluster is about to emerge.

The biopharmaceutical industry is one of the two core industries that Heze strives to build. Analyzing the rise of Heze's biopharmaceutical industry, we can see the key elements of the rise of Heze's key industries: top-level design + innovation.

Compared with developed areas, Heze does not have an advantage in industrial foundation, policy strength, and resource support. Only by doing a good job in top-level design, relying on more advanced concepts and domestic first-class standards, can the foundation of industrial development be consolidated. Focusing on breaking the industrial isomorphism and administrative barriers between the parks, build a new development ecology of the biopharmaceutical industry with different focuses, complementary advantages, and win-win cooperation. Heze researches and establishes a coordinated development mechanism of "one port, four parks, and multi-point support".

Heze Modern Medicine Port is the leading and main battlefield of the city's biopharmaceutical industry, mainly developing scientific research incubation, preparation production, high-end medical equipment manufacturing and listing license headquarters economy. The modern medical port has advanced operating concepts, complete supporting facilities, high-quality projects, and rapid development momentum. 40 projects have been signed in two years, with a total investment of over 13 billion yuan. The prospect of a first-class and efficient source of biomedical innovation is promising. Driven by leaders, Heze City is committed to building a complete biopharmaceutical industry chain covering innovation incubation, raw material production, and preparation manufacturing.

The municipal party committee and government have innovated the management and operation mechanism, established a modern medical port management service center, with no staffing and no ranks, implementing the market-oriented operation mode of management service center + company. Provide standardized workshop rental and sales and personalized custom construction, enterprises can move in and start a business easily. The policy is flexible, it can be discussed on a case-by-case basis, and special cases are handled specially, which greatly enhances the vitality of operation.

Making good use of fund leverage is the proud stroke of Modern Pharmaceutical Port. Established an industrial development fund with Yankuang, Shanghai Shanlan Capital and Qiaobei Capital, raising a total of 3 billion yuan and accumulatively investing in 26 projects, effectively enhancing the attractiveness and carrying capacity of the industrial park. Successfully leveraged Shanghai Yipu Technology's "full cancer" screening reagent, Suzhou nearshore protein, Huamu Medical orthopedic medical equipment and other innovative achievements to land.

Pay attention to the source investment in advanced scientific research results, sign a strategic cooperation agreement with Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, make equity investment and angel investment in its research and development results, and successfully introduce the new anti-coronavirus drug project of Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center. At present, we have received feedback of the product of this project from the US FDA, and are carrying out supplementary research as required, improving basic research data, striving to enter the green channel, and applying for domestic and US clinical trials.

The nearshore protein project is at the top of the biopharmaceutical industry chain. Modern medical port co-invested in this project through the industry fund and became one of the shareholders of this project. At the same time, with the infrastructure and good supporting conditions of the modern medical port, as well as services such as building nests to attract phoenixes, and bag check, the project has been successfully attracted to Heze. The nearshore protein project was signed, built and put into operation in the same year, overcoming the "bottleneck" problem of core raw material supply in the field of messenger RNA.

Heze Modern Medical Port adheres to the concept of integrated operation, implements "co-construction of parks and shared facilities", and provides enterprises with standardized workshop rental and sales and personalized customized construction, allowing enterprises to move in and start a business easily, which directly pushes the implementation of projects such as Nanjing Zhihe Pharmaceutical Factory, Hecheng Pharmaceutical and Nuohe Pharmaceutical etc..