New-generation Information Technology Industry

Source: 01-13-2023 10:41:59

Industry Introduction

Main fields: next-generation communication networks, Internet of Things, three-network convergence, new panel display, high-performance integrated circuits, and high-end software such as cloud computing.

Key parks: Shandong Peninsula National Industrial Internet Demonstration Zone, Qilu Software Park, Qingdao Software Park, Jinan Big Data National Demonstration Base for New Industrialization, Weihai Electronic Information National Demonstration Base for New Industrialization

Promotion measures

Deepen exchanges and cooperation: strengthen major strategic cooperation with leading enterprises at home and abroad, take active steps to attract highly related businesses to migrate to Shandong Province, and build regional headquarters, R&D centers, and production bases.

Strengthen the "Chain Chief Mechanism": improve the promotion mechanism of the "Chain Chief Mechanism" in which enterprises as "chain leaders" take the lead, industrial chain alliances promote cooperation, the industry-university-research cooperation collaboration is advanced, and factors guarantee services.

Increase fiscal and tax support: reward key enterprises with notable economic and social benefits with high-quality development funds, implement policies such as tax concessions for software and integrated circuits and weighted deduction of R&D expenses to stimulate the development vitality of enterprises.

Strengthen talent support: strengthen efforts to attract talent and gather high-end talent urgently needed or with outstanding leading ability, support key employers to intensify efforts in the precise introduction and training of talent by relying on provincial-level science and technology programs and Taishan Talent Project, and support talent to solve crucial technological problems.

Industrial Cluster

Jinan "1+N+N" Big Data Ecological Industry Cluster

The cluster focuses on the big data products and services industry and is dedicated to optimizing the win-win industrial pattern of "one industry-leading enterprise + N backbone enterprises + N small and medium-sized enterprises", expanding big data's multi-scenario applications in government affairs, transportation, electric power, and other fields, and creating an influential circle for wisdom. With the deep integration of AI with other fields as the direction, the cluster relies on more than 50 AI enterprises such as Inspur group, Synthesis, and Bresee, and centers on computing power, algorithm, and application to create an AI industrial ecological environment integrating innovation incubation, resource aggregation, and industry-university-research transformation functions, and build a new provincial AI pioneer.

Qingdao Advanced Manufacturing Cluster for Smart Home Appliances

Qingdao is going all out to build itself as an entrepreneurial city and will create innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities centered around the home appliance industry. Relying on the brand effect and scale effect of Haier, Hisense, Aucma, and other leading household appliance enterprises, Qingdao has attracted a large number of upstream and downstream enterprises and industry talent to settle in Qingdao, making it a city with well-developed traditional manufacturing. Five reputable brands including Haier, Hisense, and Aucma and advanced manufacturing enterprises like CRRC and Goertek have provided numerous talented people in manufacturing.

Weifang Acoustic Photoelectric Industrial Cluster

Weifang's acoustics and optoelectronics industry enjoys a solid foundation for development. At present, it plans to develop the industry as a strategic emerging industry during the "14th Five-year Plan" period, to strengthen, extend, and supplement industrial chains, thus further optimizing industrial ecology, building the "Acoustic Valley of China", and fostering the best acoustic photoelectric industrial cluster in China and even in Asia.