Shandong Completes China\'s First Offshore Pile-foundation Fixed PV Demonstration Project

Source: 05-18-2023 09:41:27

SPIC Shandong Energy has recently built the key technology research and demonstration project of Haiyang HG34 Offshore Pile-Foundation Photovoltaic (HG34 Offshore PV Project), China's first offshore pile-foundation fixed offshore PV project.

The HG34 Offshore PV Project, with a planned installed capacity of 2.7 million kW, is located in the Haiyang sea area of Yantai. It is currently the world's largest and China's first batch of offshore pile-foundation fixed offshore PV projects. The project center is 6.5 km offshore, with an average water depth of 7 m. Two empirical schemes of large modules and small modules are adopted.

It is reported that the large-scale development of offshore PV power generation in China and even the world is still at the initial stage, without industry design standards and mature technical schemes. The promotion difficulty is far greater than expected. Moreover, due to the complex marine environment, key technologies such as wave resistance, sea ice resistance, cold wave resistance, and salt fog resistance need to be broken through urgently. The Haiyang HG34 Offshore PV Project has carried out verification on fields, such as processing and fabrication of pile foundations and upper trusses, which provides a way for the subsequent construction of pile-foundation fixed offshore PV projects.