Heze City Attracts a Total Investment of 32.2 Billion Yuan for Its New Energy Industry

Source:The seanews 04-28-2023 17:24:59

Recently, the 2023 Peony Capital of China · Heze (Shanghai) Promotion Conference was held in Shanghai. Heze City's Shanxian County signed a project of innovative compressed air energy storage in salt caverns with an investment of 15 billion yuan, a project of gas storage in salt caverns with an investment of 10 billion yuan, and a smart green energy demonstration base project with an investment of 7.23 billion yuan with China Energy Digital Technology Group Co., Ltd., CNPC Gas Storage Co., Ltd., and Jiangsu Linyang Energy Co., Ltd., respectively. It can be seen that Shanxian County has made significant achievements in attracting investment for its new energy industry.

Specifically, China Energy Digital Technology Group Co., Ltd. will build a compressed air energy storage power station base in the county and strive to build it into an energy storage demonstration project in Shandong Province; CNPC Gas Storage Co., Ltd. will develop a project of gas storage in salt caverns with the total working gas estimated to reach two billion cubic meters; Jiangsu Linyang Energy Co., Ltd. plans to develop a smart green energy demonstration base project in the county.