New Energy

Source: 01-13-2023 11:39:58

Industrial Status

Major fields:

Solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy, hydrogen energy, geothermal energy, ocean energy, small hydropower, chemical energy (e.g., ether-based fuel), nuclear energy.

Key parks:

Liaocheng New Energy Automobile and Parts Industrial Park, Qingdao New Energy Automobile Cluster, Qingdao Hydrogen Energy Industrial Park, Shandong Haiyang Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park in Yantai, Northern China Wind Power Home Port in Yantai, Zibo Hydrogen Energy Industrial Demonstration Park, Zibo Military-Civilian Industrial Park for National Defense Power Supply, and Tai'an Taikai Intelligent Power Transmission and Transformation Industrial Park.

Industrial cluster:

Solar energy equipment manufacturing industry. The solar thermal industry, photoelectric manufacturing industry, and their supporting industries have been vigorously developed by giving play to the scale advantage in solar energy utilization. Priority will be given to high-efficiency crystalline silicon cells, heterojunction cells, flexible thin-film solar cells, and new-generation photovoltaic inverter systems, in order to continuously improve the efficiency of photovoltaic power generation systems, reduce power generation costs and improve the manufacturing capacity of photovoltaic power generation equipment.

Wind power equipment industry. The industry centers its work on the manufacturing of wind turbine generators and key parts and components, and the design, construction, control, operation, and maintenance of wind farms. It also strengthens the independent and joint innovation of key core technologies, for the purpose of realizing the localized and high-end oriented production of wind power equipment and building a wind power equipment industrial cluster integrating R&D and design, intelligent manufacturing, general contracting, and operation and maintenance services. The cluster will be based in Shandong and is expected to influence coastal areas.

Nuclear power equipment industry. Oriented by the industrial cluster development, the industry further enhances its concentration, gives full play to the brand siphon effect and market channel advantages of leading enterprises, strengthens resource integration, and leads the concentrated development of upstream and downstream enterprises. Four sectors including complete vehicles, key parts and components, upstream and downstream supporting facilities, and special vehicles are built to foster a development pattern with leading enterprises, supporting facilities, and efficient coordination, thus forming a complete industrial system covering links from raw materials to parts and components, complete vehicles and aftermarket.

Energy storage equipment industry. Underlining the promotion of renewable energy consumption and the improvement of power system regulation capacity, the industry focuses on tackling key technologies such as large-capacity lithium battery management, wireless interconnection of high-power converters, and positive and negative materials of energy storage batteries for different applications and needs. These efforts aim to improve product quality and implement the brand strategy, thus contributing to creating a series of highly competitive products in China.

Hydrogen energy equipment industry. More efforts have been made to develop hydrogen purification technology, and actions have been taken to speed up the application of technologies such as the preparation of key materials and core components of fuel cells, system integration and intelligent control, new-generation storage and transportation of hydrogen with high energy efficiency, and new PEM fuel cell systems. Moreover, equipment for the preparation, storage, and transportation of hydrogen and for hydrogenation is being actively developed, and the fuel cell equipment level is being improved to break down barriers between upstream and downstream enterprises on the industrial chain.

New energy automobile. Oriented by the industrial cluster development, the industry further enhances its concentration, gives full play to the brand siphon effect and market channel advantages of leading enterprises, strengthens resource integration, and leads the concentrated development of upstream and downstream enterprises. Four sectors including complete vehicles, key parts and components, upstream and downstream supporting facilities, and special vehicles are built to foster a development pattern with leading enterprises, supporting facilities, and efficient coordination, thus forming a complete industrial system covering links from raw materials to parts and components, complete vehicles and aftermarket.

Advancing measures:

Strengthen organization and coordination. The new energy industry will be developed as a leading industry to give full play to its coordinating role. The focus should be on the construction of key projects, the fostering of industrial clusters in the shape of "swan goose formation", the cultivation of leading enterprises, and the tackling of major industrial problems. Furthermore, the coordination and promotion mechanism at the provincial, municipal and county levels will be promoted, and detailed work records will be created to clarify the expected objectives, division of duties, work measures, and completion time, and solve the problems and difficulties in work promotion through regular dispatching and coordination.

Implement supporting policies. Actions should be taken to promote the consumption of new energy vehicles, support the layout and construction of charging infrastructure, increase the coverage rate of charging infrastructure in residential areas, and support the construction of hydrogen energy hybrid stations.

Enhance supervision and evaluation. Supervision on work and business guidance should be strengthened. A working evaluation mechanism by report should be established for all relevant cities to timely track, supervise, and duly report the progress of key projects, major industrial research, and construction of important parks. Regular guidance and evaluations on the implementation of action plans should be made to identify problems for rectification.