Dongying: "One Park and Five Areas" in Synergy Accelerated Advancement of the New Material Industry

Source: 12-21-2022 16:06:06

In recent years, the New Materials Industrial Park of Dongying Economic and Technological Development Zone (DYETDZ) has been improving its public service system and safeguarding key elements through a number of measures, such as enhancing service mechanisms, facilitating talent introduction and guiding technological innovation. The park makes every effort to build a general layout of "one park and five areas", and focuses on promoting the agglomeration and high-quality development of new material industries including functional ceramic materials, rare earth catalytic materials, high-performance fiber materials, advanced composite materials and copper-based new materials.

In 2022, 67 industrial projects in the park were included in the key projects of DYETDZ, 25 projects were selected as the key projects of Dongying and 9 projects were selected as the key projects of Shandong Province. In June 2022, the park won the honorary title of "Dongying May Day Labor Award". In July of the same year, the park was awarded the industrial park with harmonious labor relations in Shandong Province.