Shandong to Deploy 8,000+ Public, Special Charging & Battery Swap Stations by 2025

Source:Dazhong Daily 08-03-2022 17:28:00

The Development Plan of Shandong Province for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (Plan) has recently been released. According to the Plan, Shandong will ground its efforts in the new development stage, apply the new development philosophy fully and faithfully, serve and foster a new development pattern, create an innovative development model, leverage the role of the market, adjust measures to local conditions and advance the work by category, build "two networks and one platform", establish "three systems", push forward "three types of innovations", and form a moderately advanced, well-balanced, intelligent, efficient, open and shared charging infrastructure system, so as to provide strong support for the green, low-carbon transformation and high-quality development of energy and transportation.

By 2025, Shandong will deploy more than 8,000 public and special charging and battery swap stations, more than 150,000 chargers, as well as more than 250,000 individual chargers, including some 5,000 public stations with about 95,000 chargers, as well as some 3,000 special stations with about 55,000 chargers.