Weihai accelerates the high-quality development of carbon fiber and other composite material industries

Source: 02-28-2022 11:16:00

Carbon fiber and other composite material industry clusters are an important means for Weihai to accelerate the replacement of old growth drivers with new ones, and promote high-quality development.

Integrate advantageous resources and promote the integrated development of the carbon fiber industry chain. Research and issue the "Breakthrough Plan for High-Quality Development of Carbon Fiber and Other Composite Materials Industry Clusters in Weihai City (2021--2022)", sort out the subdivision of the industrial chain, compile an ecological cultivation map, clarify the key points of breakthroughs, and lead the high-quality development of the carbon fiber industry. Strive to make Guangwei Composites be the "chain master" enterprise of the carbon fiber industry chain in Shandong Province, guide 41 carbon fiber enterprises and R&D institutions to jointly establish the first industry chain alliance in Weihai - Carbon Fiber and Composite Materials Industrial Chain Alliance, and build a promotion mechanism featuring "chain master" enterprises taking the lead, industry-university-research collaborative promotion, and factor guarantee services, and accelerate the construction of an industrial ecology where large, medium-sized and small enterprises interact with each other and develop together.

Build innovation centers and strengthen joint research on key industrial technologies. Relying on the "1+4+N" innovation platform system of Weihai City, give full play to the role of the industrial innovation platform for gathering innovation resources, connecting basic research and industrialization carriers, carry out the research and development of key industrial technologies, establish the Shandong Province Carbon Fiber and Composite Materials Manufacturing Innovation Center, with 12 experts in the field of carbon fiber and composite materials, and successfully break through 6 key common technologies in the industry, including key equipment of carbon fiber production line, 4 of which have been industrialized, achieving sales income of 129.16 million yuan. In the field of new materials, take the lead in recruiting experts and talents to solve the "bottleneck"  problem of enterprises with the mechanism of "revealing the list and taking the lead", and released 18 major technical requirements with a total amount of 66 million yuan, 7 of which have been announced in 2021, of which 4 have entered the model (prototype) trial production stage, and 1 has completed research and development applications and will be mass-produced.

Optimize the business environment and support leading enterprises to become bigger and stronger. In response to the difficulties of enterprises in terms of technology and supporting facilities, the "four lists" scheduling and promotion mechanism has been brought into play, and more than 100 difficult problems have been solved accumulatively. Lead enterprises to accurately connect with large institutes such as China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, and promote Guangwei Composite Materials to enter the national supply chain system. Strengthen policy publicity, solve financing problems of enterprises, guide Guangwei Energy New Materials to be approved for the first batch of national new materials insurance compensation of 12 million yuan,and recommend 6 companies including Expansion Fiber and Wanfeng Magnesium to apply for insurance compensation of 10.56 million yuan for the first batch of new materials in Shandong Province.

In 2022, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology of Weihai will fully promote the construction of the Weihai Carbon Fiber and Composite Materials Industry Chain Alliance and the Jiaodong Economic Circle Carbon Fiber and Composite Materials Industry Chain Alliance, integrate and coordinate the resources of industries, universities and research institutes in the industrial chain, promote the R&D supply of key common technologies, strengthen the cooperation of upstream and downstream supporting facilities in the industry chain, and promote the high-quality development of carbon fiber and other composite materials industries.