Large-scale development of distributed photovoltaics in Shandong promotes energy transformation

Source: 02-28-2022 11:16:00

As a major industrial and energy-consuming province, Shandong has always been a battleground for photovoltaic investors. In the past ten years, Shandong has integrated various advantages, and the annual newly installed capacity and cumulative installed capacity of photovoltaics are ranked as the leader of all provinces and cities across the country. In particular, the distributed development of Shandong has been advancing by leaps and bounds in recent years, and the newly installed capacity has accounted for almost half of the country's distributed development; now, under the background of "the whole county promotion", and with the concerted efforts of the government, enterprises, associations, financial institutions, and the media, Shandong's photovoltaic development has once again opened up a new development situation.

The huge expectations of the distributed market are increasing, and companies from all walks of life are competing. There is no doubt that after 2022, implementation of the "whole county promotion" will accelerate after half a year of preparation, and will deeply affect the competitive landscape of downstream development.

After the introduction of the national whole-county promotion policy, Shandong Province responded immediately and identified a number of pilot cities and counties. As a major photovoltaic province, whose cumulative installed photovoltaic capacity ranks first across the country, especially the distributed installed capacity is far ahead, under the continuous promotion of energy transformation and rural revitalization, Shandong can be described as no less impressive in terms of the implementation of the "whole county promotion".

The Shandong Provincial People's Government issued a notice on the list of high-quality development policies (the first batch) of "seeking progress while maintaining stability" in 2022, proposing a total of 178 preferential policies, involving photovoltaic development: It involves photovoltaic development: support the development of a large-scale development pilot of distributed photovoltaics in the whole county (city, district), implement the overall packaging and filing of the distributed photovoltaic projects developed on a large scale in the pilot counties, and open up a "green channel" for the project network connection project; Prioritize the market-oriented transaction of distributed power generation in pilot counties to promote local consumption of photovoltaic power generation; increase policy-based loan support, actively strive for the scale of the China Development Bank's " peak carbon dioxide emission and carbon neutrality " special loan, and provide preferential loans interest rates.