Jinan New Materials Industrial Park

Source: 02-28-2022 11:16:00

Overview of the park

Jinan New Materials Industrial Park is a provincial development zone approved by the People's Government of Shandong Province in March 2006, with a planned area of 10 square kilometers. It is the core industry demonstration area of the pilot area for the replacement of old growth drivers with new ones, and a pilot area of industry-city integration in the new- type urbanization of Jinan. It has won honors such as the National Torch Jinan New Functional Materials Characteristic Industrial Base, the National Cross-Strait Youth Entrepreneurship Base, and the National SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Demonstration Base.

Advantages of the park

In terms of space, the park is in a strategic location thus enjoys significant location advantages. The park is at the core of the pilot area for replacement of old growth divers with new ones of Jinan, and is an important part of the "one body and two wings" of the pilot area. It is positioned as a high-tech industrial city, with a pivotal strategic position and unprecedented development opportunities. At the same time, the park is also a safeguard for the implementation of Jinan's north-span development strategy, and an important platform for promoting technological innovation and developing the real economy.

In terms of industry, the park has a solid industrial foundation and complete supporting facilities. After over a decade of development, the park has formed an industrial structure dominated by three major industries of cutting-edge new materials, intelligent equipment and medical and health care, and supported by cultural tourism and service industries such as tourism, leisure and entertainment, high-end residential, education and medical care etc..

In terms of opportunities, the park is faced with multiple opportunities and a broad prospect for development. As the only main urban area in Jinan spanning across both sides of the Yellow River, the park ,as the main battlefield for its economic development along the river, encounters two once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, and high-quality resources, capital, industry, policies, knowledge, talents, technology and other elements will speed up gathering here.

Investment environment

Jinan New Materials Industrial Park, as the "bridgehead" for Jinan's development strategy of "carrying the river development", is an important platform and carrier for promoting technological innovation and developing the real economy. The park focuses on introducing high-tech, high-input, high-value-added environment-friendly projects, cultivates and develops efficient new material industry clusters, create a characteristic specialized park with large-scale industrial development, intensive land use, efficient resource utilization, and serialization of industrial facilities led by the new material industry.

Industry-city integration. Cultivating and strengthening industries and enhancing the urban functions of the park will be promoted simultaneously, and the interaction and integrated development of the industry and the city will be enhanced. Strengthen the infrastructure construction of the park in accordance with the urbanization standards, and improve the power supply, water supply, heating, natural gas, sewage, fire protection and other facilities; take innovative measures to accelerate the construction of industrial complexes, build standard workshops with supporting auxiliary functions such as R&D, incubation, and living. Create an industry-centered, business-friendly and livable industrial new city that integrates R&D, production, office, business, and life to meet the needs of enterprises, team entrepreneurs and employees for development, entrepreneurship and living respectively, and accelerate enterprise development and industrial agglomeration.

Industry-University-Research Association. The park attaches great importance to the introduction and training of talents, and to the cooperation with universities and research institutes. More than 50 experts and scholars, including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, scientists of the National 973 Program, and Taishan scholars, consist a talent team in the park, providing intellectual support and scientific research and technical support for the development of the park.

It has established close strategic cooperative relations with Peking University, Shandong University, Shandong Normal University, Shandong Academy of Sciences, Zhongguancun, Jinan University, Singapore Bureau of Science and Technology Research, and the Young Expert Committee of the Chinese Materials Society, established R&D and industrialization bases such as the National Colloid Engineering Technology Research Center of Shandong University, the Engineering Technology Center of Shandong Normal University, and the Science and Technology Park of Jinan University, and carried out small tests, pilot tests and industrialized production in the park, and actively promoted the transformation and industrialization of scientific research achievements.

Platform support. Jinan New Materials Industrial Park build platforms in a variety of ways, combining "building nests to attract phoenixes and building nests for phoenixes", it has built many industrial platforms, including Xinmao Qilu Science and Technology City, Jinan New Materials Industry Science and Technology Park, New Materials Trading Center, Jinan Chuanhua Quansheng Highway Port and Sino-German (Jinan) Industrial Park etc.. All kinds of enterprises and entrepreneurs can directly lease or purchase entrepreneurship development space on these platforms. For general projects, industrial and commercial registration and tax registration can be completed within five working days, and supporting services such as equipment installation, production and operation, commerce, business, catering and entertainment will be provided by the platform.

Investment policies

1. Enterprises that settle in Tianqiao District (New Materials Industry) Science and Technology Park and play a great role in the economic development of the park, can enjoy the support policies of returning site rent (excluding taxes and fees) at the end of the year and receiving development incentive funds

2. Enterprises that establish national or provincial technology centers, engineering centers, and key laboratories of new materials in the park, will be rewarded with independent innovation support funds.

3. Enterprises that establish new material technology centers, engineering centers or key laboratories in the park and carry out industrialization can be reduced or exempted from the site rental fees.

4. High-level experts and scholars who conduct R&D, pilot tests and industrialization of scientific research results in the park will be given a one-time R&D subsidy depending on the situation.

5. Introduce encouraged foreign-invested projects in terms of the Guidance Catalogue of Foreign Investment Industries (Revised in 2011), and provide preferential policies for the top 20 key European investment projects. For major projects in line with the industrial development plan of the park, special support policies can be formulated according to the principle of "one case, one discussion".

6.Preferential policies for Taiwan compatriots to invest in enterprises include factory leasing support, entrepreneurship support, special fund support, talent introduction support, investment and financing support, children’s education support, employment counseling support, preferential policies for self-purchasing land, company listing, and Taiwan compatriots investing in hospitals , restaurants, supermarkets and other entity-based service enterprises.

7. The leased factory project enjoys relevant preferential policies.

8. Relevant preferential policies for bringing in listed companies and supporting companies to go public.