Shandong Advances Chain Chief System for Local Textiles and Garments Industrial Chain

Source: 12-17-2022 15:02:45

On the morning of December 7, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Shandong Province (DIITSP) held a special meeting on the promotion of the industrial chain of the textile and garment industry in Shandong Province. During the meeting, the progress of the chain chief system of the textile and garment industry was scheduled, with analyses of the existing problems and arrangements for the following key tasks. Wang Xiao, the "industrial chain service officer" of the textile and garment, also a member of the Leading Party Members' Group and Deputy Director of the DIITSP, presided over the meeting. Meanwhile, members of the special team from provincial authorities, higher educational institutions, industrial associations, industrial alliances, chain leaders, and others attended the meeting via video links.

Several reports were made by the Secretariat of Shandong Provincial Textile and Garment Industrial Chain on the progress of promoting the chain leader system. Representatives of Weiqiao Pioneering, Dishang Group, Jifa Group, and Luthai Textile introduced their economic operation, key project construction, major technological breakthroughs, and how they gave full play their advantages as chain leader enterprises to drive the overall improvement of the industrial chain. Speakers from the Shandong Province Textile and Garment Industry Association and the Industrial Internet Alliance of the Whole Industrial Chain of Textile and Garment also made reports on the establishment of a platform for enterprise cooperation and exchange, the promotion of creativity, and market development. Exchanges were also made on industry-university-research combination, talent cultivation, and skill training among representatives from Qingdao University, Shandong University of Art & Design, and Shandong Vocational College of Science and Technology.

As noted in the meeting, Shandong Province will further implement the chain leader system in the work and operation of signature provincial industry chains under the decisive guidance of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the People's Government of Shandong Province. Furthermore, it will make efforts to build 11 such industrial chains as textile and garment, with a high standard and the principle of "fulfilling national needs, targeting at market prospects, and developing Shandong Province's long-established industries". To date, the work has progressed smoothly.