Shandong Has Listed Light Industry and Textile Industry in the "Top Ten" Industries and Will Take Six Major Action Plans

Source: 04-11-2022 14:32:00

With a high popularity and big influence nationwide, Shandong modern light industry and textile industry is a pillar industry and an important livelihood industry across the province. The 2022 Action Plan for the "Top 10 Industries" includes the action plan for the modern light industry and textile industry.

"The provincial party committee and the provincial government have listed the modern light and textile industry in the 'Top ten' industries for the replacement of old growth drivers with new ones, and strengthened policies to ensure supply, which fully reflects the strong determination of the provincial party committee and the provincial government to further improve and strengthen the modern light and textile industry." Yan Jie, deputy director of the provincial department of industry and information technology, said that this year will focus on six major action plans to promote the construction of modern light industry and textile industry system across the province.

Shandong will improve and upgrade industrial and supply chains. It will keep promoting the "chain chief system", pushing forward policy and resource concentration, and building a landmark industrial chain. It will implement a series of projects to complement, extend and reinforce the industrial chain, strengthen the guarantee of production factors and coordination services, and strive for quick production and quick results. It will cultivate key enterprises in the industrial chain step by step, select and cultivate about 10 leading enterprises with strong support and driving force within industrial cluster, as well as incubate more than 20 provincial-level "new, specialized, sophisticated and distinctive" small and medium-sized enterprises, single champion enterprises and Gazelle enterprises. It will launch special match-making activities between "new, specialized, sophisticated and distinctive" enterprises and core enterprises across the chain to promote the integration and consolidation of the chain, and enhance the resilience of the industrial chain and supply chain.

Shandong will accelerate scientific and technological research, development and innovation. It will focus on the leading technology and common key technology within the industry to make continuous efforts, and strive to achieve a batch of major technological breakthroughs in key processes of anhydrous dyeing. It will build a batch of new innovation carriers, the national advanced printing and dyeing technology innovation center and high-end intelligent home appliance manufacturing innovation center with high standards. More than 10 national industrial design centers will be incubated, and a new national textile and garment creative design pilot demonstration park will be cultivated to further consolidate the foundation for R&D and innovation.

Shandong will launch a campaign to make products smarter and greener. With in-depth implementation of "Cloud-based industrial internet in Shandong", Shandong will carry out intelligent manufacturing projects, promote the in-depth application of 5G, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies in the industry, make good use of the cloud service voucher policy, support the creation of typical application scenarios in the industry, and strive to add more than 10 new digital workshops, intelligent manufacturing factories, and intelligent manufacturing scenarios. It will deeply promote 10,000 digital specialists to enter enterprises, provide enterprises with professional "consultant plus employee" services, and promote the digital transformation of the full chain. It will accelerate the transformation to a green and low-carbon economy, carry out initiatives to promote green manufacturing and take the lead in water efficiency, and foster an array of green factories, green design products and water-saving enterprises.

Shandong will take action to stabilize the market and increase consumption. It will further deepen the consumer goods strategy of "increasing variety, improving quality and creating brand" and ensure the success of major competitions such as the "Provincial Governor Cup" Industrial Design, Textile and Garment Competition, and support enterprises in participating in internationally influential industry exhibitions. It will take advantage of the opportunities of Belt and Road Initiative and RCEP to expand foreign emerging markets. It will encourage and guide enterprises to actively participate in the campaign of "Guiding Shandong manufacturing enterprises to actively expand sales online" via the subsidy of "traffic coupon", and promote the improvement of "production, supply and marketing" through the internet.

Shandong will launch a campaign to upgrade industrial clusters. It will cultivate advanced manufacturing clusters, further expand and strengthen Qingdao smart home appliance "goose formation" industrial clusters, strive to cultivate 2 "goose formation" textile and garment industry clusters, and create 10 high-quality provincial food industry clusters with special local advantages. With the focus on the development of public platforms for clusters, Shandong will carry out activities to upgrade industrial clusters with distinctive features and enhance their coordination and supporting capabilities.

Shandong will launch a campaign to strengthen enterprises through talent. With the goal of extending the industrial chain, supplementing the industrial chain and strengthening the industrial chain, Shandong will speed up the introduction and training of a crowd of leading industrial talents who will lead innovation and leap-forward development with first-class skills in tackling key core technologies and industrializing scientific and technological achievements. It will organize targeted training in the industry to comprehensively improve the ability and quality of entrepreneurs. It will build a strong industrial team, cultivate five public training bases, further deepen the independent evaluation of enterprise skills and talents, strengthen the skill upgrading of employees on the job, and provide talent support for high-quality development.

Meanwhile, Shandong will also establish and improve the coordination and promotion mechanism of modern light industry and textile industry, further optimize the development environment, increase the policy supply, strengthen financial and insurance support, and enhance the level of trade facilitation. In addition, Shandong will also accelerate the cultivation of a 100-billion-level enterprise with national leading comprehensive strength, more than twenty 10-billion-level enterprises, and strive to create 40 national cluster brands with high regional influence, 200 corporate brands with high industry influence, 500 end-consumer brands with high market reputation to strive for the development goal of sustained enhancement of comprehensive competitiveness, sustained improvement of innovation, sustained improvement of branding and sustained improvement of industrial ecology.