Zhenghai R&D Base of State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials inaugurated in Yantai Huang-Bohai New Area

Source:The seanews 06-09-2023 17:37:25

Recently, the Zhenghai R&D Base of State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials jointly built by ZHmag and the University of Science and Technology Beijing was inaugurated.

According to the co-construction agreement, the ZHmag-USTB Joint Research Center for Advanced Materials will build the "Zhenghai R&D Base of State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials" at ZHmag, which aims to focus on the R&D of key standard technologies such as low heavy rare earth, non-heavy rare earth and ultra-light rare earth. The building of the Base will promote the implementation, transformation and industrialization of sci-tech achievements of the University of Science and Technology Beijing in Yantai Huang-Bohai New Area. It will also pool high-level talent resources, foster a team of innovative talents, and enhance Yantai's capability to coordinate scientific and technological innovation in the field of magnetic materials.

Huang-Bohai New Area is one of the four provincial-level new areas in Shandong Province. It is also the economic center, a leading opening-up area, and an innovation highland of Yantai City. In recent years, focusing on the construction of a sci-tech innovation ecosystem integrating "Government, Industry, Education, Research, Finance, Service and Achievement", Huang-Bohai New Area has built 46 high-level innovation platforms, introduced more than 150 national-level and provincial-level talents, and established partnerships with more than 200 universities, colleges and research institutes successively, resulting in continuous improvement in regional innovation capabilities.