Qingdao Focuses on Building a Green, Low-carbon New Material Industrial Park

Source: 05-18-2023 09:41:34

The General Office of Qingdao Municipal People's Government has recently issued Several Policies for the Development of Qingdao Green and Low-carbon New Materials Industrial Park (Dongjiakou Park), proposing to build the park into a first-class green and low-carbon new materials industrial park in China by making efforts in land security, scientific and technological innovation, talent introduction and cultivation, and supporting industries to "strengthen, supplement and extend the industrial chain".

According to the policy, Qingdao should first identify key development areas, plan and build a green and low-carbon new material industrial park (Dongjiakou Park), and focus on developing new chemical materials, special steel and other industries. The Finance Bureau of Qingdao will invest 100 million yuan annually in the park's construction for three consecutive years. Qingdao will incorporate qualified major industrial projects in the recommended park into provincial and municipal key projects, prioritize guaranteeing land use indicators for those included in provincial and municipal key projects, and plan and reserve land for projects with large-scale land use. At the same time, rewards will be given according to the percentage of enterprise R&D expenses in total sales revenue.

In addition, Qingdao has also formulated a high-level talent classification policy to give priority support in housing, medical care and children's education. For the qualified top, leading and urgently needed talents, they will be given a living and home purchase subsidy; for enterprises in the park that introduce and cultivate provincial-level or above talents, a one-time reward of up to 1 million yuan will be granted.