Shandong\'s Only New Material Industrial Cluster Among the First Batch of 100 State-level Characteristic Industrial Clusters of SMEs in 2022 Located in Qingdao

Source:The seanews 04-28-2023 17:11:28

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China released the first batch of 100 state-level characteristic industrial clusters of SMEs in 2022. Notably, the plastic and rubber material industrial cluster in Qingdao City's Chengyang District was included on the list, making it the only industrial cluster in the new material industry in Shandong Province to win this honor.

Characteristic industrial clusters of SMEs refer to the industrial clusters that are located in county-level jurisdictions, are guided by new development philosophy, place SMEs in the leading position, focus on leading industries, highlight advantageous characteristics, gather resource elements, have an efficient coordination network, enjoy complete governance services, and boast strong core competitiveness. Now, Chengyang District's plastic and rubber material industrial cluster is home to two listed companies, 50 high-tech enterprises, five expert-level sophisticated "little giant" enterprises and 67 SMEs including specialized and sophisticated enterprises and gazelle enterprises. Meanwhile, there are also 14 innovation platforms above the provincial level, 13 industrial Internet demonstration projects above the municipal level, and seven enterprises that have been recognized as high-end brand cultivation demonstration enterprises in Shandong Province.