New Material Industry

Source: 01-13-2023 10:37:31

Key Fields:

Polyurethane, high-performance organic fluorine, silicone, advanced ceramics, high-performance fibers and their composites, high-performance aluminum alloys, and third-generation semiconductors

Development Goals:

By 2025, the main business revenue of the province's new material industry is expected to reach more than 2 trillion yuan. Emphasis will be given to the development of cutting-edge new materials, key strategic materials and advanced basic materials.

Key Parks:

Jinan New Materials Industrial Park: It is a provincial development zone approved by the Shandong Provincial People's Government in 2006. The park takes the state-encouraged new materials as its leading industry and pays attention to fostering new energy, biomedicine, electronic information, energy conservation and environmental protection, and other strategic emerging industries.

Dongyue Fluorine & Silicon Material Industrial Park: Located in Tangshan Town, Huantai County, Zibo City, it is a fluorine and silicon material chemical park backed by enterprises. The main industries of the park cover fluorine materials, silicon materials, new energy, and circular economy, while the leading products include green and environmentally friendly refrigerants, fluorine chemicals and organic silicone polymer materials.

China New Chemical Materials (Liaocheng) Industrial Park: Located in Liaocheng High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Shandong Province, it is a comprehensive chemical park designed for developing coal chemicals, salt chemicals, fluorine chemicals and new chemical materials. Its main industries include chemicals, chemical fertilizer, chemical equipment, design and R&D, and other industrial sectors.

Lunan High-tech Chemical Industrial Park: Currently, three leading industries, namely, coal chemicals, fine chemicals and new chemical materials, have taken shape in the park. With an attempt to transform and upgrade existing industries and extend product chains, the park takes methanol, methanol to olefin, vinyl acetate and ethylene oxide as raw materials and further extends industrial chains by developing high-end organic raw materials, new energy materials, new chemical materials, and fine chemicals.

Qilu Chemical Industry Park: Located in Linzi District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, it is the third professional chemical park approved by China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) in May 2003.  With Sinopec Qilu Petrochemical Company as the core, the park has cultivated six major industrial chains, including raw oil processing, plastic processing, low-carbon olefin, C4, polyurethane, fine chemicals, and new chemical materials.

Support Measures

Shandong continues to strengthen policy incentives. Government procurement and support on green building materials are encouraged to promote the application of domestic new materials. A coordinated mechanism is in place for the first batch of the national and provincial new material insurance compensation policies, and active measures are taken to support enterprises' promotion and use of innovative products. New materials-related enterprises are encouraged to apply for recognition as high-tech enterprises, and the policy of additional deduction of R&D expenses is well implemented. By giving full play to the guidance and leveraging role of its fund for replacing old growth drivers with new ones, Shandong attracts social capital and financial institutions to jointly support the development of the new material industry.

Shandong intensifies its efforts to build expert think tanks. It further makes use of industry associations and other intermediary organizations and encourages associations, alliances and other social organizations to strengthen their capacity building and improve their professional services. Greater support is given to associations and alliances through task commissioning, government procurement services, and aid in building platforms. The construction of expert think tanks is improved by making sufficient and appropriate members in place. Thus, they can provide high-level decision-making references for the high-quality development of the new material industry and offer high-quality consulting services to enterprises.