Shandong-based Project Inscribed on the First List of Technology Innovation Centers of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Source: 09-05-2023 16:33:04

Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) of the People's Republic of China released its first 12 technology innovation centers, such as the MCT Technology Innovation Center for Intelligent Light and Shadow Application and the MCT Technology Innovation Center for Tourist Behavior Monitoring and Decision-Making Service. Among them, the MCT Virtual Reality Generic Technology Innovation Center declared by Shandong Province has been inscribed on the list. This technology innovation center is sponsored by Goertek Inc. and co-built by Qingdao Virtual Reality Institute Co., Ltd. and Wemake (Weihai) Digital Creative Technology Co., Ltd.

The technology innovation centers are part of the cultural and tourism sector's efforts in technological innovation and the commercialization of research outcomes. They serve as incubation bases for the establishment of national technology innovation centers, focusing on bridging the gap between scientific advancements and technological applications and driving the industrialization of fundamental research achievements. The technology innovation centers assume the mission to implement the major strategic objectives of technology innovation in the cultural and tourism sector. With key technology research and development at the core, they promote the transfer, transformation, and commercialization of scientific and technological achievements through close collaboration between industry, university, research, and application. In addition, they provide cutting-edge technological support for industrial development and offer services for enterprises in terms of technology innovation and commercialization of outcomes, ultimately enhancing the innovation capacity and core competitiveness of the cultural and tourism industry.