"Hospitable Shandong People, Premium Shandong Products" Promotion Staged in Hong Kong, Shandong-Hong Kong Cultural and Tourism Exchange Highlighted

Source: 06-12-2023 10:33:43

The "Hospitable Shandong People, Premium Shandong Products" Promotion was staged on May 31 in Hong Kong, with the aim of further promoting cultural exchanges and cooperation between Shandong and Hong Kong.

Zhou Naixiang, Governor of Shandong Province, made a speech, stating that Shandong has been deeply promoting the "Four Channels and One Line" cultural experience corridor, which refers to areas along the Yellow River, the Grand Canal, the Great Wall of Ancient Qi State, the Yellow and Bohai seas, and the Qingdao-Jinan Railway, to create a world-class cultural and tourism destination that showcases Chinese spirit and highlights the charm of Shandong culture. The purpose of this promotion was to maintain cultural and tourism exchanges between Shandong and Hong Kong in order to write a new chapter of cooperation and development.

During the promotion, three major cultural and tourism activities were held, namely the "Hundred Principals Researching in Shandong", the "Hundred Traveling Salesmen Visiting Shandong", and the "Hundred Societies Sharing Shandong". Additionally, five key cultural and tourism projects were signed. Outside the venue, an exhibition area was designed to display various Shandong specialties such as dough figurines, kites, cerealose, and unique models.