Qingdao Fostered New Drivers For Cultural And Tourism Consumption

Source:The seanews 11-07-2022 15:21:46

As an important engine driving the economic growth, cultural and tourism consumption is of great significance to promoting high-quality economic and social development. In 2022, Qingdao achieved good social and economic benefits by stimulating cultural and tourism consumption, and saw an 11% year-on-year increase in the operating income of cultural and entertainment enterprises above the designated size in Qingdao in the first three quarters.

Qingdao exerted the government's guiding effect, improved the long-term mechanism for promoting cultural and tourism consumption, gave full play to the guiding role of the municipal special financial funds amounted to RMB 17 million, and distributed the municipal/district-level and financial consumption subsidies amounted to RMB 24.7 million in total, attracting more than 1.6 million person-times, as well as cultural and tourism consumption subsidies amounted to more than RMB 21.3 million, which directly stimulated residents' cultural and tourism consumption of more than RMB 116.9 million and directly realized economic benefits of RMB 600 million. Qingdao introduced the policy of free admission for state-owned scenic spots. As of September, 11 admission-free state-owned scenic spots had received a total of 5.669 million tourists.