Qingdao Releases 20 Reform and Innovation Cases in the Marine Field and Many Have Been Promoted at the National and Provincial Levels

Source:Haibao News 11-29-2023 11:00:00

Recently, the Information Office of Qingdao Municipal People's Government held a press conference on "Reform and Innovation Cases of Building a Leading Modern Marine City." During the conference, 20 reform and innovation cases in the marine field were released.

Centering on the goal of building a leading modern marine city, Qingdao has taken reform and innovation as a "key move" to achieve the high-quality development of the city's marine economy. For example, the fish farming ship, named Guoxin No.1, pioneered a new mode of industrial farming with "movable fish farms" on distant seas in China; the "Blue Free Trade" New Model of Marine Economic Statistical Accounting won the 2022 Shandong Provincial Marine Sci-tech Innovation Award and the typical experience was issued and promoted by the provincial government; the "Blue Carbon Innovation Practice" was promoted by the Reform Office of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee.

Qingdao has a complete range of marine industries, with the number of marine and related industries in the city reaching 28. To help the marine industry establish a "leading position" at a faster pace, Qingdao has constantly promoted innovation and reform around seven marine industries including marine fishery by building a breeding base for the aquatic seed industry in northern China and creating a "business card of China" for deep-sea fish farming ships.