Shandong Jumps to First among Coastal Provinces in Terms of Port Cargo Throughput Shandong Grows Steadily in Quality and Benefit of Marine Economy

Source:Dazhong Daily 08-22-2022 10:38:17

Shandong's marine economy has shown strong resilience since the beginning of this year, with the key marine industries continuing to recover steadily, marine transportation, marine chemicals and other pillar industries playing a "stabilizing" role.
In recent two years, Shandong has implemented 19 major supporting projects for the modern marine industry intensively, with a total investment of 89.77 billion yuan and a cumulative completed investment of 16.39 billion yuan. 13 leading major projects newly determined this year, including "Guoxin 2" intelligent large fishery farming vessel, are in full swing with a total investment of 21.83 billion yuan.

At the same time, Shandong has vigorously fostered marine industry clusters and leading marine enterprises. From 2019 to 2022, a total of 9 provincial "wild goose" modern marine industry clusters and 8 leading marine enterprises were fostered, to improve the collaborative and supporting capacity and comprehensive competitive advantage of modern marine clusters. 59 national marine ranch demonstration areas were built, accounting for 39.3% of the country's total. Shandong has planned for offshore wind power development from a high starting point, deploying 10GW-level offshore wind power bases in the central area of the Bohai Sea and the south and north of Shandong Peninsula, with a total scale of 35GW. So far, two projects have been completed and put into operation, with a total generating capacity of 600,000 kilowatts, filling a gap of Shandong in offshore wind power.