Shandong Boasts 323 National Agricultural Standardization Demonstration Areas

Source:Haibao News 12-05-2023 11:00:00

In Shandong Province, the number of widely recognized local public brands and enterprise product brands has recently reached 81 and 700, respectively. Additionally, after 17 brands were included in China's agricultural brand catalogue, 8 more brands from Shandong have been chosen for the 2023 Selected Agricultural Brand Cultivation Plan.

It is known that Shandong has played a leading role in developing over 230 national and industry-wide standards in the agricultural sector. Moreover, the province has issued and implemented a total of 1,384 local agricultural standards and 1,445 group standards. These standards cover various stages of agricultural production, establishing a modern agricultural standards system based on national standards, with group standards as the primary framework supplemented by local standards and norms.

So far, Shandong has created 323 national agricultural standardization demonstration areas and 331 provincial agricultural standardization pilots. Additionally, it has established 1 national technical standard innovation base in agriculture and 9 regional platforms to serve and promote national agricultural standardization. Shandong has also developed several well-known models for standardized production demonstration, including Penglai grape, Rizhao green tea, Laoshan green tea, Shouguang vegetable, and Zhangqiu shallot. These models have a significant impact on the growth of their respective planting areas.