Agricultural Modernization: Weifang in Shandong Promotes the Rise of the Prepared Dishes Industry

Source:The Seanews 06-29-2023 11:05:00

In recent years, Weifang in Shandong has continuously improved the "Three Models" through innovation to build a Shandong model pilot zone for rural revitalization, leading the agricultural industry towards modernization through digital empowerment.

The rapid development of the prepared dishes industry cannot be achieved without the strong support of agriculture. Relying on its industrial advantages, Zhucheng has tried to carry out digital transformation and continuously improved the "Zhucheng Model" through innovation. Starting from the digital empowerment at the farmers' end, Zhucheng encouraged farmers to join the joint-stock cooperatives for standardized breeding, with produce supplied to the market in a unified manner. On this basis, Zhucheng also gave full play to the advantages of its machinery industry and built standardized processing workshops for prepared dishes. With the help of advanced production equipment, enterprises of prepared dishes cooperated with higher education institutions and scientific research institutions to jointly develop new prepared dishes, so as to "become the first to eat the crab" in the market. At the same time, with the help of big data platforms, enterprises integrated upstream and downstream resources to collect and analyze relevant data in a real-time manner, realizing accurate coordination between farming, dish processing, dish R&D, and other links. Weifang strives to build itself into the "No.1 city of China's prepared dishes industry" by 2024, with the number of market entities of prepared dishes city-wide reaching 3,000 and the scale of the industrial chain surpassing 300 billion yuan.