Shandong Strengthens Modern Agricultural Industrial Parks to Promote High-quality Development of Rural Industries

Source:The seanews 05-19-2023 16:10:00

Agricultural modernization is an important underpinning and measure for the rural revitalization strategy. Shandong has worked to strengthen modern agricultural industrial parks, introduce advanced technologies to agriculture, upgrade industrial clusters throughout the industrial chain, develop Shandong's characteristics in an all-around way, and promote the high-quality development of rural industries.

Zoucheng City is one of the ten major production bases for edible fungi in China. In the past, due to the extensive production method and the sole variety, the edible fungi industry here once fell into a depression. In recent years, Shandong has actively promoted the building of a "four-level system" for agricultural sci-tech parks and established a long-term stable innovation consortium that consists of "parks, universities and institutes, and high-tech enterprises." Since 2015, Zoucheng Edible Fungi Industrial Park has successively introduced more than 20 Taishan Industry Leading Talents, built 31 provincial-level innovation platforms, cultivated 26 rare and excellent strains such as snow fungus and morel mushrooms, and taken the lead in realizing factory and scale production of liquid strains in China.

As traditional industries are upgrading, the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in Shandong Province is also accelerating. In Laoling City's Seasoning Sci-tech Sharing Industrial Park, raw materials such as pepper and garlic are changed into various seasonings through the assembly line, with their added value increasing by at least 20%. Today, Laoling City has realized that all these raw materials are sourced locally. Thanks to the driving force of the Park, the planting area of peppers, onions and other crops in the city has expanded by nearly five times in three years.