Modern High-efficiency Agriculture

Source: 01-11-2023 19:02:00


Comprehensive Capacity: Shandong took the lead in launching the plan to improve the quality of cultivated land nationwide and organizing the implementation of six projects, including soil improvement and remediation, pesticide residue control, plastic film pollution control, comprehensive utilization of crop straws, livestock and poultry manure control, and heavy metal pollution remediation. Shandong's comprehensive agricultural capacity ranks among the top in the country.

Format & Model: Shandong has cultivated and expanded new agricultural business entities and developed rapidly new formats of business such as e-commerce agricultural products and leisure agriculture. The "New Six Proceeds", i.e. the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in agriculture are becoming new highlights in increasing agricultural efficiency and farmers' income.

Advancing Measures

Strengthen Financial Support: Shandong further promotes the overall integration of agriculture-related funds to ensure the steady growth of the agricultural and rural investment. It increases the proportion of land-transferring income used for agriculture and rural areas year by year. It carries out the assessment and evaluation of financial institutions serving rural revitalization, and guides financial institutions to focus on key areas of rural revitalization and increase credit investment. It continues to promote the integration of fiscal and financial policies to support the pilot of the rural revitalization strategy system and the promotion and application of results.

Improve Agricultural-related Land Policies: Shandong revitalizes more than 10% of the rural land held in reserve for construction. It disposes of more than 5% of construction land due to the mechanism of linking the increase and deposit of the corresponding lots of unsupplied and idle land. For township territorial spatial planning and village planning, no more than 5% of the flexible index of construction land can be reserved for villagers' residences, rural public welfare facilities, scattered rural cultural tourism facilities and new rural industries and new business formats.

Deepen the Reform of Agriculture and Rural areas: Shandong promotes the extension of the second round of land contracting for another 30 years after its expiration. It steadily and prudently promotes the pilot reform of the rural homestead system, and establishes a mechanism for guaranteeing the qualification rights of farmers and transferring the right to use homesteads. It strengthens the construction of rural reform pilot zones. It improves the construction quality and operation efficiency of rural property right transfer and trading markets. In accordance with the unified deployment of the state, it promotes the entry of rural collectively-owned commercial construction land into the market in a steady and orderly manner. It promotes the mortgage financing of the right to use collectively-owned construction land.

Industrial Cluster

Shouguang Quality Vegetable Industrial Cluster

Shouguang Vegetable Industrial Cluster is planned to build the overall spatial layout of "one core, two areas and two bases". "One core" refers to Shouguang Protected Vegetable Comprehensive Innovation Core Area. "Two Zones" refer to Anqiu Vegetable Processing and Export Demonstration Zone and Hanting Vegetable Deep Processing Demonstration Zone. The "two bases" are the Qingzhou Demonstration Base for Upgrading Vegetable Facilities and Equipment and the Changle Demonstration Base for Standardized Production of High-end Melon and Vegetable.

Weifang "Zhucheng Model" Modern High-efficiency Animal Husbandry Industrial Cluster

Supported by the construction of key projects, Zhucheng has focused on promoting standard demonstration in recent years. To improve the quality of the full industry chain, it has actively explored a new path of high-quality development of animal husbandry featuring "full-chain coordination, standardization guidance and green development".

It has prepared the Development Plan for Animal Husbandry in Zhucheng. It has promoted a mechanism of "industrial alliance + leading enterprises + characteristic parks + farmers". It has established an alliance consultation system to deepen and improve the "Zhucheng Model". It has established 15 consortia for the full industry chain of animal husbandry, slaughtering and processing, and equipment manufacturing. It gives full play to the role of 4 national, 5 provincial and 29 Weifang-level animal husbandry leading enterprises, enhancing the regional brand competitiveness of Weifang from the aspects such as standardized management and standardized production. Zhucheng will vigorously develop and expand the circular economy of planting and breeding, and expand the "combination of planting and breeding, and docking of agriculture and animal husbandry".

Green Beef Cattle Industrial Cluster in Yangxin County

Focusing on promoting the brand of Yangxin Beef and building itself into the strongest county known for beef, Yangxin County has fostered a complete industry chain covering forage planting, calf breeding, beef cattle fattening, slaughtering and processing, cold-chain logistics, a restaurant chain, leather manufacturing, cattle bone carving, cattle by-products processing, and organic fertilizer production. It has 76 beef cattle slaughtering enterprises, with an annual slaughtering capability of 1.2 million cattle, and 437 beef processing enterprises that have obtained the SC certification, with an annual slaughtering and processing capacity of over 300,000 tons of beef. With the total output value of its beef cattle industry up to 55 billion yuan, Yangxin has taken the lead in the cattle industry of China.

Food Further Processing Industrial Cluster in Dingtao District, Heze City

Relying on Heze Ju Xin Yuan Food Co., Ltd., Shandong Daoxiangcun Food Co., Ltd., and other backbone enterprises, Heze mainly focuses on developing further processing of characteristic products such as asparagus, yam, Luohanshen, peony, and so on. Based on a group of key enterprises such as Shandong Huarui Group, Wudeli Flour Group, Luhua Group, and so on, Heze restructures its processing of fruit and vegetable, grain and oil, meat, and other products at a faster speed, focusing on the development of intensive processing industries such as crops, animal husbandry products, fruit and vegetable products, and other products. Those active measures help Heze extend the industrial chain of agricultural products and improve their added value. Heze also increases its investment in scientific research to make key technology breakthroughs and promotion, focusing on researching, developing, promoting, applying and introducing new technologies, processes, equipment, and products rapidly. It will continue to enhance cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences in processing asparagus, beef cattle, traditional Chinese medicinal materials, and wheat while establishing a technological innovation system based on enterprises.

Wood Household Products Industrial Cluster in Caoxian County

In recent years, by focusing on the top 10 industries, integrating advantageous resources, and developing the industry of wood household products, Caoxian County has built a cluster consisting of various enterprises led by outstanding groups.

Guided by leading enterprises, supported by backbone enterprises, and equipped with supporting services, the industrial cluster of various wooden indoor and outdoor furniture, wood prefabricated buildings, and other wood products has been optimized. It forms an industrial agglomeration with one industry, two cores, and multiple zones. To give full play to the driving force of industrial chains, Caoxian County also integrates new growth drivers with new technologies, materials, manufacturing and retail, while closely combining technologies of Industry 4.0, the Internet, and the Internet of Things.