Modern marine sector

Source: 01-14-2023 10:49:23

Industry introduction:

Industrial scale

In 2017, the gross ocean production across the province reached 1.48 trillion yuan, an increase of 8%, ranking second in China. The added value of marine fishery, marine salt industry, marine engineering construction industry, and marine power industry ranked first in China. The industrial scale of marine oil, marine biological medicine, marine engineering equipment and marine chemical industry were in the front rank in China. 


Enterprise development

The alliance of six major industries, such as marine organism, marine equipment, marine chemical industry and marine power equipment, has gathered more than 200 marine superior enterprises and more than 1,000 upstream and downstream supporting enterprises. Qingdao Bright Moon Seaweed Group has developed itself into the world’s largest producer of seaweed biological products with its output of sodium alginate maintaining first in the world. It has a number of flagship enterprises specialized in special ships and offshore drilling platforms. Yantai CIMC Raffles Offshore Ltd. is the main base for ocean engineering equipment of National Energy Administration and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China, and its deliveries of deepwater semi-submersible drilling platform account for 3/4 of the national total.


Development goals

Enhance the awareness of planning and managing ocean, make development of ocean in a scientific, green and three-dimensional manner, explore harmony between human and ocean, make overall planning of land and ocean, highlight the characteristics of the scientific development mode, speed up the construction of a powerful maritime province, and create a demonstration zone for marine economic reform and development at internationally advanced level. By 2022, the added value of the modern marine industry is expected to reach 2.3 trillion yuan, accounting for 23% of the regional GDP.


Investment opportunities

With smart ocean as a guide, and adhering to overall planning of land and ocean, the province will create a marine economic demonstration zone, build a high-level “maritime granary” and a national-level marine pasture demonstration zone, spend up the development of deep and far seas, pelagic and polar fisheries, implement the “transparent ocean” project and accelerate the pace of exploration and trial mining of mineral resources in the oceans, expand marine organism, marine high-end equipment and other industries, support Qingdao and Yantai to create marine biological medicine industry clusters; make innovation in the development of marine information, sea-related businesses and other marine services; promote the large-scale application of sea water desalination, make construction of an important national seawater utilization base; and make development of a new generation of deep sea and far sea and polar technical equipment and systems.


Industrial layout

Marine demonstration project: Aquaculture Green Demonstration Project, Jiaodong “Sea Water Transfer” Project, Changdao National Park (under construction), Rizhao Offshore Deepwater Sea Area Development Test and Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass Deep and Far Sea Intelligent Ecological Pasture, etc.

Deepening reform

The system and mechanism innovation will run through the whole process of construction of a powerful maritime province, and the province will promote a reform in the key areas and key links of oceans in the aspects of innovation and overall planning, market subject development mechanism, factor allocation mechanism, fiscal and taxation support mechanism, investment and financing service mechanism, and science and technology support mechanism so that the market can play a decisive role in resource allocation, and the government can play a better role, the vitality and creativity of market subjects can be fully stimulated so as to form a policy system and institutional environment that can promote the construction of a powerful maritime province. 

Technical demand:

New media operation

Position: new media operation

Professional field: law, news, Chinese, senior secretary and other related majors, have strong copywriting ability and text organizational skill

Tel.: 0532-58530915


Unity development engineer

Position: unity development engineer

Company: Qingdao Zhongke Huiju Culture 

Professional field: Computer and other related majors, be proficient in any language of C#, Javascript

Tel.: 0532-58530915


Animation Designer

Position: Animation Designer

Professional field: be skillful at applying maya animation module, animation movement rules, be responsible for character animation, camera animation and prop animation

Tel.: 0532-58530915


LRC artist

Position: LRC artist

Professional field: Be proficient in lighting production process; be skillful at applying software such as maya, nuke, AE 

Company: Qingdao Zhongke Huiju Culture

Tel.: 0532-87521599

Project result: 

Research on Evaluation and Improvement Countermeasures of Marine Disaster Prevention and Control Ability from the Perspective of Ecological Economics 

Project name: Research on Evaluation and Improvement Countermeasures of Marine Disaster Prevention and Control Ability from the Perspective of Ecological Economics

Project source: Action Plan for Construction of A Powerful Maritime Province of Shandong—Marine Ecological Environment Protection Action

Project category: Application foundation and countermeasures

Field: all fields

Region: Shandong Province

Cooperation mode: all modes

China is one of the countries most severely affected by marine disasters in the world. There are many types of marine disasters in a wide distribution range, bringing more and more damages to coastal areas. Marine disasters have become one of the main obstacles to achieving harmony between people and seas in coastal areas in China and promoting sustainable development in coastal areas. The great damages and threats posed by marine disasters to people’s lives and property in China’s coastal areas is closely related to the relatively low ability of marine disaster prevention and control in coastal areas in China.

Detection of Marine Red Tide Toxins Based on Bionic Molecular Recognition Technology

Project name: Detection of Marine Red Tide Toxins Based on Bionic Molecular Recognition Technology

Project source: Action Plan for Construction of A Powerful Maritime Province of Shandong—Marine Ecological Environment Protection Action

Project category: Technology research and development

Field: all fields

Region: Shandong Province

Cooperation mode: all modes

This project is designed for the urgent needs of national red tide monitoring, management and related basic researches, is oriented towards the early monitoring and quantitative detection of marine red tide algae toxins that seriously endanger marine ecology and public health, give full play to such advantages as high specificity, high affinity, high stability, being easy to chemically modify and functionalize, being easy for reproducible synthesis in large amount at low costs of nucleic acid aptamers.

Marine Shellfish Source Functional Food

Project name: Marine Shellfish Source Functional Food

Project source: Action Plan for Construction of A Powerful Maritime Province of Shandong—Marine Emerging Industry Expansion Action

Project category: Technology research and development

Field: Marine biological medicine

Region: Shandong Province

Cooperation mode: all modes

In the context of the recession of marine fishery resources and the gradual replacement of traditional fishing patterns by marine farming and ranching, China’s shellfish culture industry has been maintaining first in terms of its scale and output for 20 consecutive years, and makes a great contribution to marine economy. Among them, the total output of seawater shellfish culture in Shandong Province ranks first in China.

Investment and financing demand: 

Weihai Fishing Port Impression Town Construction Project

Construction site: Bukou Port, Wendeng District, Weihai City

Total investment for the project: 3 billion yuan

Project progress: 2016 – 2020

Project amount: 3 billion yuan

Financing maturity: December 2019

Main purpose of funds: Construction of the town

Proposed financing method: Equity financing

Repayment source: Project investment return

Guarantee method: Other

Field: Marine cultural creativity

Region: Shandong Province

Cooperation mode: other

The Fishing Port Impression Town settles in Wendeng District Bukou Port Management Committee, covering an area of 4,500 mu. By relying on the rich historical and cultural deposits and the existing marine food processing industry base of Bukou Port and under the favorable situation where Bukou Port has been approved as “Characteristic Industry Town” in Shandong Province, it is planned to build a comprehensive characteristic town of “production, integration and residence” integrating deep processing of marine products and peripheral products, commerce, trade and logistics, characteristic tourism, health-keeping and living and financial services. The project planning has been basically completed currently, and nearly 300 million yuan has been invested in the upgrade and reconstruction of supporting facilities of roads, water, electricity, heating, gas and communications as well as environment creation. 

Product technology advancement and economic benefit analysis

The construction of the project will guide the existing people in Bukou Port to change their traditional fishery to modern fishery to achieve conversion of old and new kinetic energy so that they can be changed into service fishermen in the new era from traditional fishermen. It is expected to increase more than 1,500 employment opportunities, and motivate the surrounding fishermen to develop folk tourism projects such as fisherman’s farmyard fun so as to greatly improve their income and achieve social benefits. After the construction of the town, it is expected to attract more than 300,000 tourists each year and increase the local fiscal revenue of more than 80 million yuan to effectively stimulate the local economic and social development.

Contact person

Unit name: Qingdao Oceantec Valley Marine Technology Co., Ltd.

Person in charge: Cao Jian

Tel.: 0631-8773966


Address: Bukou Port, Wendeng District, Weihai City


Circum-Bohai Sea Region Overwater Flight Base Project

Construction site: surrounding waters of south coast of South Changshan Island.

Total investment for the project: 500 million yuan

Project progress: 2019-2022

Project amount: 500 million yuan

Financing maturity: December 2020

Main purpose of funds: Site and equipment construction

Proposed financing method: Equity financing

Repayment source: Project investment return

Guarantee method: Other

Field: Marine engineering equipment

Region: Shandong Province

Cooperation mode: Other

I. Project name

Circum-Bohai Sea Region Overwater Flight Base Project

II. Introduction of project unit

Beijing Huabin Tianxing General Aviation Co., Ltd., established on April 20, 2012, is an international enterprise dedicated to the operation and management of the general aviation industry. Its scope of business covers Category A: business flight, aircraft escrow business, rental flight, general aviation charter flight, training for driver’s licenses of private or commercial flight, medical rescue, sightseeing in the air, etc. Beijing Huabin Tianxing General Aviation Co., Ltd., provides domestic and overseas customers with convenient, efficient, professional and thoughtful general aviation services such as aircraft purchase, flight training, chartered airplanes for business travel by relying on the high-end service platform and quality service resources of Reignwood Group and Tianxing Group and through combining with professional FBO service of Miyun Airport.

III. Total investment

500 million yuan 

IV. Construction period


V. Main construction content and forming capacity

Open up 1,500-meter*200-meter seaplane runway surrounding waters of south coast of South Changshan Island, and make construction of several hangars and ancillary facilities on the land.

VI. Analysis of product technology advancement and economic benefits

After the project is completed and put into operation, Changshan Island tourism will extend from the sea and the land to the air to develop low-altitude sightseeing air travel, build a water flight base in the Circum-Bohai Sea Region, promote the transformation of the leisure and holiday service industry to a “high-end brand”, and build an efficient and convenient three-dimensional island transportation system, which will break traffic bottleneck and improve people’s livelihood.

Contact person

Unit name: Qingdao Oceantec Valley Marine Technology Co., Ltd.

Person in charge: Cui Huaqing

Tel.: 0535-3211787


Address: Changdao tourist area



Banqiao Silk Road Cultural Town Project

Construction site: Jiaozhou Economic and Technological Development Zone

Total investment for the project: 10 billion yuan

Project progress: 2018-2021

Project amount: 8 billion yuan

Financing maturity: December 2019 

Main purpose of funds: Attract external investment

Proposed financing method: Equity financing

Repayment source: Operating revenue

Guarantee method: Other

Field: Marine culture creativity

Region: Shandong Province

Cooperation mode: all modes

I. Project name

Banqiao Silk Road Cultural Town Project

II. Introduction of project unit

Qingdao Shaohai Investment and Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the company), founded on December 4, 2009, is jointly invested by Jiaozhou Shaohai International Provincial-level Tourist Resort Management Committee, Jiaozhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee and Qingdao Jiaozhou Urban Investment Development Co., Ltd. with the registered capital of 100 million yuan. The company is mainly responsible for making unified organization, implementation and management of urban infrastructure construction projects invested by Jiaozhou Shaohai International Provincial-level Tourist Resort Management Committee, and making investment in the construction of municipal infrastructure in Shaohai New Town, and takes charge of the construction, operation and maintenance of the relevant facilities according to the planning requirement of management committee, and enjoys corresponding investment rights, management rights and beneficiary rights; takes charge of the coordination and service of major construction projects, participates in the real estate development and property management, makes development of residential and commercial properties in the industrial base in an independent or cooperative way; and completes the acquisition, consolidation and reserve of land in Shaohai New Town. 

III. Total investment

10 billion yuan

IV. Construction period


V. Main construction content and forming capacity (including progress)

Banqiao Silk Road Cultural Town is located in the southwest of AAAA-level Qingdao Daguhe Provincial-level Tourism Resort, covering an area of about 2 square kilometers. With Banqiao Town as its core, it is surrounded by Buddhist and Confucian cultural sites like Ciyun Temple, Wanfo Pagoda and Confucius Six Arts Cultural Park, builds performance plaza and silk road culture museum with the theme of “Starting Point of Silk Road, Harbor Town of Strategic Importance”, sets large art sculpture, and plans to construct five-star hotels, commercial complexes, large-scale amusement park and other support facilities in a bid to build a local starting point of the Northern Maritime Silk Road, cultural exhibition and exchange art center, and a place inheriting Jiaozhou history and culture.

The overall planning of Banqiao Silk Road Cultural Town has been basically completed; the venues such as Ciyun Temple and Confucius Six Arts Park have been completed and opened to the public; the main commercial building of Banqiao Town has been completed and is attracting external investment.

VI. Analysis of product technology advancement and economic benefits 

Actively integrate into the national Belt and Road Initiative, sort out the cultural context of the  starting point of the northern line of Maritime Silk Road, inherit the cultural connotation of the maritime silk road, make representation of the prosperity of the ancient Banqiao Town in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and build a Banqiao Silk Road Cultural Town. Extend the functional orientation of Banqiao Town, do utmost to build “Harbor Town” and “Commercial Town” and actively integrate into the core circle of the Great Qingdao Coastal Resort City so as to reshape the commerce and trade glory of the millennial ancient town.

Contact person

Unit name: Qingdao Oceantec Valley Marine Technology Co., Ltd.

Person in charge: Zhang Xin

Tel.: 0532-85269911

Address: Jiaozhou Economic and Technological Development Zone

