Shandong: Strengthening Support for Enterprises and Promoting Stable and Quality Growth in the Industrial Economy

Source:Haibao News 01-13-2025 09:00:00

Recently, Shandong Province issued Several Measures to Strengthen Support for Enterprises and Promote Stable and Quality Growth in the Industrial Economy, which emphasizes addressing the development needs of enterprises and effectively providing assistance to alleviate difficulties. The aim is to deeply promote one-stop government services and promote stable and quality growth in the industrial economy.

A contact service mechanism for provincial-level key industrial enterprises will be established. The focus will be on large enterprises that provide strong support and have experienced significant fluctuations in production and operations. A dynamic contact service list of around 30 provincial-level key industrial enterprises will be established and adjusted monthly. Leading enterprises from the iconic industrial chains will coordinate one-on-one support services to help resolve the temporary difficulties and policy-related issues faced by enterprises.

In addition, the document requires efforts to strengthen the industrial operation command and coordination system, advance the effective implementation of industrial projects, expand the effective supply in the domestic market, and actively explore new international markets. Meanwhile, the document puts forward measures to enhance the construction and application of enterprise service platforms, improve the service support effectiveness of industry organizations, and reinforce the land supply for key projects.