Top in China: Shandong Draws 33.6 Billion Yuan in Private Investment with 189 Key Projects

Source:Haibao News 10-11-2024 16:50:40

Shandong has actively assumed the role of comprehensive coordinator, implementing the new Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mechanism steadily and systematically. It has continued to strengthen investment and financing innovation and has invigorated private investment. Currently, the province has 35 projects with a total investment of 28.47 billion yuan, all progressing orderly under the new mechanism's guidelines. High-quality projects that align with investment directions and demonstrate strong comprehensive benefits were actively submitted for inclusion in the first batch of the national key private investment project library. Impressively, Shandong has secured 15 projects with a total investment of 143.84 billion yuan in this library, placing it among the top in China.

The province has effectively attracted private capital for major construction projects, signing 189 projects that have drawn 33.6 billion yuan in private capital, ranking first nationally in progress.

Since the beginning of this year, Shandong has prioritized project implementation, investment stabilization, and growth promotion. It has identified and initiated 15,000 key projects and planned to complete and operationalize 3,827 of them. Additionally, Shandong has organized centralized commencement events for major projects in the spring and autumn to ensure smooth provincial investment operations. From January to August, the cumulative increase was 4.2 percent, which is 0.8 percentage points above the national average growth rate.