360! Release of Green Manufacturing Units in Shandong Province in 2024

Source:Haibao News 08-22-2024 00:00:00

The Department of Industry and Information Technology of Shandong Province recently organized the recommendation for green manufacturing units in Shandong Province in 2024. Following a rigorous process, including applications from eligible entities, reviews and recommendations by municipal industry and information technology departments, expert evaluations and deliberations, consultations with relevant departments, and public announcements, 273 enterprises such as Dahan Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. were designated as provincial-level green factories, 31 zones including Jinan Innovation Zone were recognized as provincial-level green industrial zones, and 56 enterprises such as Embry (Shandong) Garments Limited were rated as provincial-level green supply chain management enterprises.

In recent years, Shandong has accelerated the gradient cultivation of green manufacturing units and standardized their cultivation and certification. It has also comprehensively strengthened the development of the green manufacturing system and facilitated green, low-carbon, and high-quality industrial development. Based on the establishment of green factories, this gradient cultivation approach is bolstered by the development of green industrial zones and green supply chain management enterprises. By optimizing the policy environment and guiding third-party institutions to provide specialized services, Shandong aims to stimulate the internal motivation for enterprises to pursue green development and drive industry-wide and regional green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading.