Shandong Issues "New Measures" for Intellectual Property Insurance Subsidies with a Maximum Annual Premium Subsidy of 500,000 Yuan

Source:Haibao News 08-23-2024 11:07:17

Recently, the Shandong Administration for Market Regulation, the Shandong Provincial Department of Finance, and the Shandong Office of the National Financial Regulatory Administration jointly formulated and issued the Implementation Measures for the Administration of Comprehensive Insurance Support Projects for Intellectual Property Protection in Shandong Province, providing subsidies for intellectual property insurance products such as overseas intellectual property infringement liability insurance, intellectual property enforcement insurance, and intellectual property infringement loss insurance. Concurrently, the Implementation Measures for the Administration of Intellectual Property Insurance Support Projects for Enterprises in Shandong Province, which was implemented on August 25, 2021, was abolished.

As specified by the Implementation Measures, applicants who purchase intellectual property insurance from insurance companies will receive a premium subsidy equivalent to 60% of the actual annual premium. For high-value patents or if the specific target country for insurance coverage is a country involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, the premium subsidy standard shall increase by 10%. Specifically, for intellectual property enforcement insurance and intellectual property infringement loss insurance, the maximum annual premium subsidy is 300,000 yuan. For overseas intellectual property infringement liability insurance, the maximum annual premium subsidy is 500,000 yuan.