Shandong to Work Hard in Three Aspects to Consolidate the Foundation of the Digital Economy This Year

Source:Haibao News 02-29-2024 14:20:00

On February 28, the Information Office of the Shandong Provincial People's Government held a press conference. Shandong government announced at the conference that it will focus on the following three aspects this year with a view to laying a solid foundation for the development of the digital economy.

First, Shandong will take measures to improve signal coverage. Shandong will promote coordinated "Double Gigabit" network development, carry out the "5G Blue Ocean" initiative, continuously expand and improve 5G network coverage, and optimize the strategic development of "Connecting Shandong".

Second, Shandong will take action to promote empowerment and upgrading. Shandong will continue to implement the "Cloud Technology and Industrial Development in Shandong" initiative, create typical application scenarios of coordinated "Double Gigabit" network development, empower industrial enterprises in promoting the transformation toward digitalization, intelligence and networking, and vigorously support the pilot construction of the "Sailing City" for 5G applications and the experimental area for "5G+ Industrial Internet" integrated application.

Third, Shandong will make positive efforts to increase investment in sci-tech innovation. Shandong will promote basic telecommunications enterprises to increase investment in sci-tech innovation, strengthen cooperation with relevant enterprises and universities, and jointly create an ecosystem for sci-tech innovation; focus on the needs of key industries and accelerate the formation of comprehensive solutions to promote industrial digital transformation; actively carry out pilot applications of new technologies and services and plan and develop future industries.