Shandong’s International Sister City and Friendly Cooperative Relations Has Covered 640 Cities in 98 Countries

Source:Haibao News 02-23-2024 15:10:00

On February 23, the Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs of Shandong Province was held in Liaocheng. According to relevant information, Shandong has established 640 pairs of sister cities and friendly cooperative relations with 98 countries worldwide, ranking among the top in China in terms of the quality and quantity of exchanges.
In recent years, Shandong has deepened exchanges with its international sister cities and developed a high-quality network of international friendships. In 2023, various levels of government in the province organized a total of 171 activities related to international sister cities. This has strengthened cooperation for 94 pairs of sister cities, established cooperation for 9 pairs, and explored cooperative opportunities for 22 new pairs.
      The year 2024 marks the 45th anniversary of Shandong's international sister city program. This year, Shandong plans to fully implement the "Double Hundred" initiative throughout the province, seeking to surpass 100 friendly countries in terms of sister city relations and carry out over 100 international exchange projects with sister cities by 2024. Through concrete actions, Shandong aims to enhance the quality, quantity, and expansion of its international sister city program. Additionally, ten major projects including the overseas development of Shandong will be implemented. Events such as the Third Global Youth Conference and the 2024 Public Diplomacy Forum will be held. Through these efforts, Shandong will comprehensively enhance its opening-up to the world.