Seven Departments Jointly Issue a Document to Promote Innovative Development of Future Industries

Source:Haibao News 01-30-2024 12:30:00

Recently, seven departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly issued the Implementation Opinions on Promoting Innovative Development of Future Industries.

According to the Opinions, by 2025, fields such as industrial technology innovation, industry cultivation, and safety governance will achieve comprehensive progress. Within these fields, some fields are expected to attain an internationally advanced level, along with increasing expansion in scale. It is expected to build a range of future industry incubators and pilot zones. The aim is to make breakthroughs in 100 core technologies in frontier and key fields, develop 100 representative products, and foster 100 leading enterprises, establishing a future industrial development model in line with China’s actual situation. By 2027, the comprehensive strength of future industries will be significantly improved, with some fields achieving a global leading position. Major breakthroughs will be made in core technologies in key fields. A range of new technologies, products, business forms, and models will be widely applied. Key industries will achieve large-scale development and a cluster of ecologically-oriented leading enterprises will be cultivated. A development pattern featuring coordination and synergy between future industries and advantageous industries, emerging industries, and traditional industries will be established, fostering a long-term mechanism for sustainable development. China is anticipated to become a pivotal hub for future industries in the world.