Shandong’s Two Cities and Three Industrial Zones Included in China’s First Batch of Collaborative Innovation Pilot Units for Pollution and Carbon Reduction

Source:Haibao News 01-17-2024 16:00:00

Currently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment is steadily promoting the collaborative innovation pilot work for pollution and carbon reduction in cities and industrial zones. Based on factors such as recommendations from ecology and environment departments of various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) and expert review opinions, it has selected and formed a list of the first batch of pilot units, including 21 cities and 43 industrial zones. The list covers Shandong's two cities: Weifang City and Weihai City, as well as three industrial zones: Jinan Start-up Area for Growth Drivers Transformation, Qingdao National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, and Leling Chemical Industry Park.

The pilot cities cover various types such as resource-based, industrial, comprehensive, and ecologically friendly ones. The industrial zones involve various sectors such as steel, nonferrous metals, petrochemicals, automobiles, equipment manufacturing, and new energy.

Subsequently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will make solid progress in the pilot work, strengthen follow-up actions and guidance, and establish guarantee mechanisms for regular consultation, task assignment, follow-up evaluation, targeted assistance, and achievement promotion. It will also reinforce pilot work management throughout the process and promote pilot tasks according to local conditions.