One Project in Shandong Included in Pilot Projects of National Quality Infrastructure Integrated Service Bases

Source:Haibao News 01-09-2024 09:50:00

Recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation identified 14 pilot projects of national quality infrastructure integrated service bases. The "Pilot Project of National Quality Infrastructure Integrated Service Base (Internal Combustion Engine and Power System)" in Shandong Province was included, with Weichai Power Co., Ltd. serving as the pilot institution.

It is reported that the pilot work will focus on strengthening the coordinated development and collaborative services of elements such as measurement, standards, certification, accreditation, as well as inspection and testing. It aims to promote the opening and sharing of technologies, information, talents, and equipment with society while exploring the establishment and improvement of new mechanisms and models for efficient, practical, element integration-based, convenient, and instant quality infrastructure integrated services. The selected project in Shandong Province is an industrial pilot project. It is reported that the industrial pilot project will coordinate the application of relevant elements and resources of quality infrastructure to promote the solution of key quality and technology problems in industrial development, especially in the resilience and safety improvement of industrial chains and supply chains. The service scope can expand to relevant industries nationwide.