Shandong: "3830" Development Pattern for the Clusters of Advanced Manufacturing Industries Will Be Formed Basically by 2025

Source:Haibao News 11-16-2023 17:05:00

Recently, the General Office of Shandong Provincial People's Government issued the Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Clusters of Advanced Manufacturing Industries to promote new industrialization and build a number of clusters of advanced manufacturing industries with influence both at home and abroad at a faster pace.

By 2025, Shandong will basically form a "3830" cluster development pattern featuring reasonable regional distribution, clear leading industries, a sound innovation system, agglomeration of resource elements, in-depth integration of chain groups, and characteristic and differentiated development. Under the pattern, three world-class clusters that play a leading role worldwide will be cultivated at a faster pace, eight national clusters that enjoy international competitiveness will be cultivated and recognized, and positive efforts will be made to develop 30 provincial clusters with influence in the country.

Meanwhile, Shandong will promote a steady increase in the output value of the leading industries of clusters. Specifically, three industrial clusters with a scale of more than 500 billion yuan such as power equipment and high-end aluminum industries will be developed; seven industrial clusters with a scale of more than 300 billion yuan such as biomedicine, new-generation information technology, new chemical materials and new energy vehicles industries will be cultivated; a number of industrial clusters with a scale of more than 100 billion yuan such as new energy equipment, intelligent manufacturing equipment, and marine engineering equipment industries will be developed.