Full-time Deputy Secretary-General of QMS Secretariat Zhang Qingwei: Serve Shandong’s High-quality Development, Promote China’s High-level Opening-up

Source:Haibao News 10-09-2023 13:10:00

On October 8, Zhang Qingwei, Full-time Deputy Secretary-General of the Secretariat of the Qingdao Multinationals Summit (QMS), introduced the preparations for the fourth summit. At present, the preparations for 24 events in 14 categories such as the Opening Ceremony, Guest Meeting, and Symposium of Multinationals are progressing as planned. Venue construction, urban atmosphere creation, summit support, and related service measures have all been put in place.

Zhang Qingwei said that QMS has been successfully held for three sessions and become a major brand of Shandong's opening-up and an important platform for Shandong to attract investment. Next, Shandong will see QMS guest resources as valuable investment attraction resources and accelerate transformation in relevant work. Shandong will closely combine investment attraction with regular contact services for guests and summit preparations and establish a working mechanism that covers all links before, during, and after the summit. In addition, Shandong will organize multinationals interested in investing in the province to visit relevant cities and will also organize these cities to visit the multinationals for investment attraction so as to promote accurate and pragmatic cooperation. By doing so, Shandong strives to implement the achievements of QMS effectively.