Experience of 102 Enterprises Included in Shandong’s Quality Benchmark List in 2023

Source:Haibao News 09-27-2023 15:00:00

Recently, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Shandong Province started the selection of provincial quality benchmarks in 2023. After voluntary declaration by enterprises, recommendation by relevant departments, expert demonstration, online publicity, and other procedures, the typical quality management experience of 102 enterprises including Lingong Machinery Group has been included in the provincial quality benchmark list in 2023.

Leveraging the role of quality standards in enabling brands and improving the ability and level of quality guarantee can provide strong support for sharpening enterprises' core competitiveness and promoting the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the manufacturing industry. As a province with a strong manufacturing industry, Shandong has made continuous efforts to guide and promote enterprises to upgrade their quality management systems and introduce more digital technologies to their quality management in recent years. Meanwhile, Shandong has beefed up efforts to enhance the quality and brand awareness of SMEs and carried out in-depth "quality benchmark" experience exchanges across the province. Thanks to these efforts, the product qualification rate of the province's manufacturing industry has seen a steady improvement for three consecutive years, earning Shandong a place in the front rank in China. Besides, Shandong encourages enterprises in the province to actively participate in the national campaign to learn from benchmark enterprises and summarize innovative quality management approaches with Shandong characteristics.