Shandong Introduces 46 Financial Measures to Build a Green, Low-carbon and High-quality Development Pilot Zone

Source:Haibao News 09-15-2023 14:23:54

On September 13, the Information Office of the People's Government of Shandong Province held a press conference to interpret the Fiscal Policy Measures to Support the Three-year Action Plan for the Construction of a Green, Low-carbon and High-quality Development Pilot Zone (2023-2025). This document encompasses 46 specific policy measures in 11 aspects, aiming to promote the construction of the pilot zone in an all-round manner.
       Specifically, focus will be put on the following fields. First, promote a rise in both quantity and quality of the economy. Based on precise counter-cyclical fiscal adjustment, Shandong will take multiple policy measures such as guiding investment, expanding consumption, and supporting exports to drive sustained economic improvement.
       Second, advance green and low-carbon transition and development. Revolving around green and low-carbon development, Shandong will work to cultivate new growth drivers through technological upgrading, industrial transformation, and ecological protection.
       Third, drive the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. Efforts will be made to promote the balanced development of different regions by stimulating county-level economy, advancing rural revitalization, and improving people's livelihood.
       Fourth, enhance the comprehensive financial support capability. Positive work will be done in optimizing management mechanisms and policies to strengthen financial guarantee, regulation, and control.
      These policies will help Shandong make remarkable progress in green, low-carbon, and high-quality development. Besides, the Shandong Provincial Department of Finance will elaborate supporting policies, increase capital investment, and strengthen financial coordination. At the same time, follow-up efforts will be made to ensure the effective implementation of the policies.