Shandong’s 30 Enterprises Selected in the List of China’s Top 200 Manufacturing Enterprises by Comprehensive Strength

Source:Haibao News 09-06-2023 09:10:00

Recently, the lists of China's Top 200 Manufacturing Enterprises by Comprehensive Strength and China's Top 100 Equipment Manufacturers in 2023 were released. A total of 30 enterprises from Shandong were selected in the list of China's Top 200 Manufacturing Enterprises by Comprehensive Strength, which is the most among Chinese provinces.

Shandong is China's manufacturing powerhouse, home to all 41 major industrial categories and more than 100 key products ranking among the top three in China by output. In recent years, Shandong has made the construction of a green, low-carbon and high-quality development pilot zone as the overarching task, highlighted high-end, intelligent and green development, promoted the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and accelerated the construction of a modern industrial system.

Shandong's traditional manufacturing industries enjoy outstanding advantages. Among other industries, engines, mining machinery and processing and smelting boast a strong development foundation and world-class technology. Shandong's intelligent manufacturing industries are gaining momentum. The province is home to four globally leading "lighthouse factories," ranking among the top in China. Besides, Shandong's digital industries are developing vigorously. New-generation information technology and other industries are growing rapidly, and Inspur's servers and other products enjoy a globally leading market share.