Select Shandong Provides an Exchange Platform and Hong Kong Enterprises Have Clear Investment Intentions

Source:Haibao News 08-28-2023 13:00:00

At the Select Shandong Exchange and Matchmaking Conference for Shandong and Hong Kong Enterprises held recently, representatives of 20 participating enterprises from Hong Kong that had cooperation needs in various aspects conducted accurate matchmaking with Shandong's departments and enterprises and had in-depth exchanges on the implementation of projects and the overall transfer of industrial chains.

Certizen enquired on site about the development plans and favorable policies in application scenario demonstration and other aspects of Jinan Start-up Area for Growth Drivers Transformation; LIQUID Limited which was looking for fintech introduction and application opportunities showed great interest in cooperating with Jinan Innovation Zone and enquired about information about the subsidies for emerging industries such as blockchain, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence as well as key enterprises and industrial chains currently in the zone; Akodi New Material Technology which planned to build a high-tech new material factory in Shandong Province conducted accurate matchmaking with Gaoqing County of Zibo City on site and learned about relevant advantages and investment attraction policies of Gaoqing County for introducing new materials projects; DCH which intended to explore new markets in Shandong learned about the industrial development foundation of Zhifu District, Yantai City and then communicated with the person in charge of the promotion on site about the city's development prospects and supporting services in the food industry.