Optimize the Foreign Investment Environment and Coordinate the Resources That Help Promote Foreign Investment

Source:The Seanews 08-17-2023 10:31:39

At the regular policy briefing held recently, the State Council introduced relevant information on further optimizing the foreign investment environment and increasing efforts to attract foreign investment.

First, efforts should be made to expand the breadth and depth of opening-up and deepen the implementation of the comprehensive pilot and demonstration program for expanding the opening-up of the service industry; encourage foreign-invested enterprises and their R&D centers to undertake major projects of making breakthroughs in scientific research; establish and improve a system for facilitating foreign exchange management of qualified foreign limited partners. Second, efforts should be made to increase the level of investment and operation facilitation and provide convenience for foreign executives and technicians of foreign-invested enterprises and their families in terms of entry-exit, stay, and residence; conduct efficient cross-border security assessments of important data and personal information for qualified foreign-invested enterprises. Third, solid work should be done to enhance the guidance of foreign investment and support all regions to implement supporting incentive measures for foreign-invested enterprises that meet the provisions of the Catalogue of Industries for Encouraging Foreign Investment within their legal authority.

In the second half of this year, the Ministry of Commerce will continue to coordinate resources that help promote foreign investment, fully mobilize various carriers and platforms such as economic and trade exhibitions, pilot free trade zones and national development zones, provide support for different regions' investment attraction, and guide local governments to promote foreign investment in a continuous, effective and orderly manner.