Shandong Introduces Ten Policies to Stabilize Employment by Improving and Adjusting Relevant Requirements

Source:The Seanews 08-04-2023 17:29:11

Recently, Shandong has introduced ten policies to stabilize employment by improving and adjusting relevant requirements. By doing so, Shandong aims to further stabilize production, jobs, and expectations. Compared with the previous employment stabilization policies, this round of policies focuses on extending the valid period, expanding the scope, and raising the standards.

First, the valid period of the policies is extended. Entrepreneurship guaranteed loan borrowers can continue to enjoy the loan extension policy. If entrepreneurship guaranteed loan borrowers encounter temporary difficulties in liquidity caused by natural disasters and major and serious emergencies, they can apply for a loan extension with the term not exceeding one year in principle. The implementation period of these policies is extended to December 31, 2023.

Second, the scope of the policies is expanded. In the first half of this year, Shandong took measures to improve urban and rural public welfare posts in both quantity and quality. In total, 609,700 new posts were created, and 510,400 people got a job.

Third, the limit standards of the policies are raised. On the premise of legal compliance and controllable risks, financial institutions are allowed to streamline loan approval procedures, reasonably determine the loan limit, strengthen support in credit loans and other aspects, and provide loan renewal support for eligible small and micro-sized enterprises.