Shandong Promotion Conference for the Targeted Industry-University-Research Matchmaking of Advanced Materials Industrial Chain and New Technologies and Products Held in Dongying

Source:The Seanews 07-17-2023 10:00:00

In order to further deepen industry-university-research cooperation and promote the transformation of innovation achievements in universities and scientific research institutes, the Shandong Promotion Conference for the Targeted Industry-University-Research Matchmaking of Advanced Materials Industrial Chain and New Technologies and Products was held in Dongying City with the theme of "Targeted Industry-University-Research Matchmaking to Strengthen Industries and Integrate & Consolidate Industrial Chains".

The new material industry is a strategic and basic industry. Shandong attaches great importance to the development of the new material industry and cultivates it as one of the "top ten" industries for the replacement of old growth drivers with new ones. It has successively undertaken a series of high-level platform carriers such as the National New Material Testing and Evaluation Regional Center and the Production Application Demonstration Platform, and overcome a number of bottleneck materials such as aluminum alloy for C919 large aircraft and T800 carbon fiber.

In the next step, Shandong will focus on building an integrated development pattern of "five chains", dynamically solve the technical requirements of enterprises, help universities transform innovative achievements, support the promotion of new technologies and products, accelerate the construction of an innovation system that is led by leading enterprises, supported by universities and institutes, and coordinated by all innovation subjects, so as to lead and support the high-quality development of the advanced materials industrial chain.