New Engine of Marine Economy in Shandong: Offshore Wind Power

Source:The Seanews 07-10-2023 15:51:00

Emerging marine industries represented by marine power, seawater desalination and comprehensive utilization, marine medicine and biological products, and marine engineering equipment manufacturing have constantly expanded and become a new engine for the high-quality development of the marine economy in Shandong Province.

In recent years, Rushan City has spared no effort to develop offshore wind power, and taken manufacturing of offshore wind power equipment as a main means to catch up and surpass.  At present, the offshore wind power industry has become a dominant local industry that promotes the high-quality economic development of Shandong. It is reported that the total output value of Rushan's wind power industry chain is expected to exceed 10 billion yuan this year, which benefits from the targeted investment attraction strategy of "introducing leading projects and building industrial chains". Rushan City has successively attracted two leading wind turbine manufacturing projects, namely Envision Rushan Net ZERO Industrial Park and Mingyang High-end Marine Equipment Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park. This helped identify 144 upstream and downstream enterprises in the offshore wind power industry chain for targeted investment attraction in the industrial chain. It is estimated that by 2026, the annual output value will exceed 40 billion yuan, which will promote the formation of a 100-billion-yuan-level offshore wind power industrial cluster.