Shandong Enterprises from Modern Light Textile Industrial Chain Visit Shanghai for Market Development

Source:The Seanews 06-05-2023 11:54:35

Light textile is not only a pillar industry that is worth more than a trillion yuan but also a significant industry that plays a great role in improving people's livelihoods in Shandong. Recently, the province's more than 100 key enterprises and advantageous industrial clusters from the industry paid a visit to Shanghai, the birthplace of China's modern light textile industry, to learn from local excellent enterprises. By doing so, Shandong hopes to identify its own path to expand and strengthen the light textile industry.

Guan Xiaoyan, Director of the Light Textile Industry Division of the Department of Industry and Information of Shandong Province, said that Shandong has launched an initiative to innovate the development and expand the market of its light textile industry. Specifically, the province has not only organized excellent enterprises to cooperate in market expansion and publicity, but also worked to promote new products through multiple channels and forms, thus guiding more enterprises to open up new markets through supply upgrading.

Mentioning the visit to Shanghai as the light textile industry's first provincial-level inspection and training activity after it was ranked among Shandong's "Top Ten Industries", Wang Xiao, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Industry and Information of Shandong Province, said that the visit is aimed at developing the ability of enterprises to solve deep-seated problems and one important way is to attract talents through multiple channels to inject new momentum into Shandong's light textile market. Since this year, Shandong has innovatively cultivated talent-led enterprises, built and improved policy support and guarantee systems around the development of talent-led enterprises, and accelerated the creation of a batch of benchmarking enterprises that value talents and excel in management.